Chapter 13 - Naked Eyes

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Having an erection in your pants, while the guy you find somewhat attractive is staring at you makes it more uncomfortable. I wanted to look over at him, but the idea of seeing him oggling at me in my current condition, made me feel insecure.

I held my breath as he stood as stretched, his muscles pullingand I couldn't help but peer. Unconsciously I licked my lips as his leathers shifted down on hips, exposing his v-line. Oh God, he caught me looking, I shifted my eyes away quickly. I felt the heat creep up my neck and spill onto my cheeks. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him again.

 I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him again

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"Get him, Nicki." Kilian looked over at me, his eyes shining lust. Beau shifted Kilian quickly, taking his attention back to the clothed sex they were having.

I looked away from them and found Julian's gaze on me again. I gulped and shook my head. He's my BOSS, not some guy that I could settle down with much less. I could be sued, or less lose my job because he's my boss. That's why I'm not going to touch him with a ten-foot pole. I don't plan on getting in trouble for following my desires.

I bit my lip and shifted away from his gaze and the sex that was going on around me. I felt the need to run crash into me hard. I needed to get away from these absurd emotions that were boiling up inside me.

I stood up abruptly and walked away. Leaving his gaze behind and these forbidden feelings. I shouldered past the grinding twinks and the grabby Doms. I stepped out of the VIP section and onto the second floor of the club. There wasn't a stage with Doms and subs erotically posed or in the act. No, this is where the regular strippers were on poles dancing and the DJ was playing music.

I slid out of the crowd, shoving the handsy people off me. I stood by the doorway, collecting my breath in the stuffy room.

I gulped and left the building. The chill of the night air caressed my skin and goosebumps appeared. I rubbed my hands on my arms to get some heat to them. God, why did I wear this outside. I walked over to Beau's 2011 silver Chrysler 300.

 I walked over to Beau's 2011 silver Chrysler 300

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Thank God Beau left the car unlocked. I know it's generally not a good idea to do that, but he must've been blessed because no one robbed him.

I slid into the back of the car and curled up on the seat. The thoughts in my head running a mile a minute, most of them surrounded Mr. Julian Tomas. God, why did he have to be here?Why did he have to be my boss? Why am I even remotely attracted to him? Gah, get out of my head, you brute.

I reached under the backseat, pulling out the blanket Kilian keeps back here for when they travel, or for when Beau is kicked out of their apartment. I unfolded it and wrapped it around myself, hoping to bring warmth back to my body.

I curled my body closer to my center. The shivers that were racking my body are dying down as the heat ran across my skin. I closed my eyes, I couldn't fight the tiredness in my body any longer and slowly drifted to sleep.


Dedicated to: @kat_drake17 @MystingCloud @fvxboi @TheCollinsKid @Fangedwolf @annabellecvy@Namonai @hellupanda @jazzyj55 @kevyen @submissive_lion_78 @LifeIsTheHorse @ksister1 @kjad98 @leishalovebooks @Zoeywolf1123 @Luckyxox @darkly72

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Oh my gosh, 2.4K, guys :') *tears of joy* I'm so excited!

I apologize for not updating on Friday (or Saturday), but I updated none the less. Yes, there will bean update on Friday (or Saturday). Also, sorry for the short chapter. This is like a fill in, not really a major chapter...

So, tell what you guys think!




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