Chapter 32 - Sexy Firemen

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^^ Julian ^^
**Julian POV**

Nicolas and I "offically" got out of bed a little after one in the afternoon. He was swinging his hips around to an invisible song in his head whole he was at the stove making what smelled like bacon. The shirt I had given him was slipping off of his shoulder, giving me a view of the delicious creamy skin I wanted to mark up.

God, I am glad I had Petunia take the day off because I didn't want anyone to see my baby like this. Open and not caring. Not the he usually isn't, but he seems to always have a guard up.

I slipped behind him, grabbing his hips in my hands. The edge of a smile was playing at his lips. Fuck, those lips were sinful. Red and full, I just wanted to bit them and have them pouting all the time.

"What do you want?" He quirks an eyebrow at me while a smirk rested on his lips. He flipped the omelet he had in the pan.

"I want my adorable boyfriend to give me a kiss, but he is very busy." I whispered in his ear while rubbing my hands along his hip bones.

"Mmmm. What if said boyfriend wanted his big, sexy Dom to kiss him." Nicolas bit his lip and looked up at me out the corner of his eye.

"Little boys shouldn't play with fire." I gripped his hips, not hard enough to leave bruises like I wanted to. I nipped his earlobe which earned me a groan of approval.

"What if I want to stroke the fire though?" He rolled his hips n mine and I moaned lowly in his ear.

"Fuck, Nicolas." He twisted his head back to meet mine in a hard kiss. His lips pliant under mine as I took control of the kiss. Giving him as much as I was taking from him.


This is this week's actual update. The update before this was last week's that I never posted because I forgot and I apologize for that.

So tell me what you think!




(Look at my dog! Isn't he cute!)

(Look at my dog! Isn't he cute!)

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