Chapter 19 - Surprising Thoughts

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Fucking asshole, leaving marks on my neck. And they weren't small little ones you could easily cover with makeup. No, they were fucking huge, painful, and dark purple. I ran a hand through my hair and glared at myself in the mirror in the bathroom. I grabbed the concealer that Melanie had came prepared with. Yeah, right. She knew exactly what we were doing and that's why she barged in on us. I'm glad that she did though because I don't want this to be a one night stand or a "hit 'em and quit 'em" kind of thing. 

I sighed and opened the bottle, putting some on my fingers before rubbing it onto my skin. I grimaced at the giant tan spot on my neck. Great, now it definitely looks like I have a hickey or some weird skin disease. Either of those options are equally mortifying. I turned on the sink and gathered water in my hands and began to scrub at the tan spot. I pumped some soap in my hand and add it to the mess I had going on.

I groaned when someone began to bang on the locked bathroom door. "Open up." I froze at Julian's voice. Nope, not going to. I look like a wet cat that had a fight with myself. I rinsed the soap off of my hands and wiped the brown water that was running down my neck with the paper on the counter.

"Give me a minute." Or a couple of years, I am hoping for the latter. I picked up my folded shirt and looked for wet spots, just in case. I slipped it on when I deemed it 'clean'. I frowned when I saw the water that was laying all over the counter. I quickly and mostly likely did a half-assed job of wiping the water away.

I finally opened the door and Julian frowned at me. "Took you long enough." I scoffed and refrained myself from punching him. It was all his fucking fault. If he hadn't put those hickeys there, then I wouldn't have taken so much time in the bathroom.

"I had to clean the mess you had made." I pointed at my neck that was discolored and still slightly wet. He laughed and I wanted to stomp my foot like a pouting six-year-old. "It's not funny."

"But it is." He swatted my hand away from the area when I went up to cover it. "It's red from where you rubbed it and whatever you put on there is sitting on the edge of the hickey." I glared up at him and slapped my hand back against my neck.

"I'm happy you are finding light of this, but you know, my 'boss' might fire me if he sees this." Julian rolled his eyes and took a step back.

"You're overreacting. No one but Melanie, you, and I know what happened. And Melanie only knows because she was being nosy." I stepped around him and narrowed my eyes further.

"I'm glad she's nosy because you would've devoured me if she didn't." Julian threw his head back and laughed.

"Devoured? I guess I'm the cannibal of this relationship." The sides of my lips quirked up and I had to hold back the laugh that was building up in my chest.

"At least you don't look like Hannibal Lecter." I shrugged carelessly and smiled at him.


Dedicated to: 

@dragon-queen13 @MadisonMcghee3 @Liam_b19 @hiddenheartprincess @tunalicious @xXBored_XX @animeprincess2015 @AlphaWolfeTwin319 @dimitri999 @yeb2020 @mysticalgalaxies @clairereeese @laponi07 @ZamaMantiyane @MarieMage @baleighdanyelle @simpson9876 @Hikari_vongola @Kevyen @amoose3 @ksister1 @JanetJensen0 @pitagaydavis @Namonai @hellupanda @Lovers2824 @latifatin @Esslyy @alegakat @ForgiveMeForMySins @White_Dragon19 @Fangedwolf @BellatrixWilder @niepoprawneslowa @Nanna7870 @BlackFlagSwinger @never_know_it @fvxkboi @19oranges @MoonAndStarsAreMe

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So, I apologize for not updating last week...oops. I was sick and I kinda forgot, for that I apologize.

7K, we skipped 6K tho, but that's okay! I love you guys! Gah, I could hug you all.

Tell me what you think! (Even though this chapter was more of a filler and short).




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