Chapter 23 - Fucking Fantastic

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Julian left early in the morning, leaving me with a note and folded clothes. He made it seem like I was a bad hook-up or an awful one-night-stand. Not to sound insecure, but this was making me feel uncomfortable. God, I sound like a girl freaking out about her crush when the crush got a date. I shouldn't feel this way, we aren't really together. I hope we are, but we haven't said anything about it. It's unsaid, but it needs to be.

I sighed and ran my fingers across the stubble on my chin. I can't believe I woke up late because of last night. I frowned at the feeling of it and leaned against the counter top as I waited for my coffee to finish brewing. The beeping of the coffee machine  woke me from my thoughts. I pulled out my to-go coffee mug and poured the steaming hot liquid into it. 

A frown pulled on my lips as a sudden through struck me. What if Julian only wanted me to use me? Oh God, I feel like a desperate whore now. As if having him suck my dick on the first date wasn't that much of a clue. Fuck, I am a whore. 

Some of the coffee spilled over the edge and landed on my hand. "Shit!" I quickly set the cup down and rushed to get some paper towels before I get a burn. I bit my lip at the sting of cold water as I shoved my hand underneath the faucet. I  pulled my hand out of the water and quickly dried it. Sure, it still stung, but it wasn't as bad as it was before. I grab the lid of the coffee cup and press it on. I quickly glance at the clock and freak out. Fuck, I'm going to be late. I rush out of the room, hair whipping around my face as ran out of the apartment building.

The drive over to Tomas Buildings' was a long one. I must've hit every red light and traffic jam in the city to get there by the time I did. I skidded into the parking garage and quickly parked. I honestly didn't care at this point whether or not I was parked in the lines or straight. I jumped out of my car, grabbed my coffee cup, and slammed the door shut before I ran to the elevator.

Bless God  because the elevator doors were open. I waved my hands at the man in the elevator, hopefully he saw me and left the doors open. I sighed in relief as the guy threw his arm out to stop the doors from shutting.

"Thank you so much!" I pant out as I step into the elevator.

"You're welcome, Nicolas." I looked up at the guy. Oh fuck, how could I have not realized that it was Julian. Shit! All the thoughts I had thought I had repressed had surfaced again and the worry was forefront. 

"So how was your morning?" He asked while pressing the button to our floor.

"I don't know how I could answer that question without getting fired possibly." He shrugged at me and motioned for me to continue. "Um, fucking fantastic."

Julian arched his eyebrows up at me and crossed his arms across his chest. "How so?" 

I gulped and brushed the hair out of my face before I continued, "You confused me this morning, leaving a note and all that. It made me feel used." I couldn't look up at him as I told him what I thought.

"Oh Nicolas." He ran a hand through my hair before stroking my cheek. "I'm sorry about that. I knew that we'd have to get to work earlier and I didn't want to get in your way."  A small smile crept onto my face. "I like you Nicolas. I like you enough to not throw you into my scene." I bit my lip and look up at him finally. Our eyes met.

"I'm sorry that I assumed that you were playing me." Julian gave me a quick kiss on the lips, it was more like a chaste press of lips.

"It's okay, Nicolas. I'm sorry for leaving you confused." I smile up at him brightly.


Dedicated to:

@Happy_1999 @amoose3 @fvxkboi @shirneesafranciso @AshleyFerguson01 @day1dreamer @Adolfovilla253 @iloveYAOI47  @aofthead @DanielMenendez24 @DanikaGrant @AlyshaEsha @Boyxboylover1998 @ksister1 @annssmith18 @LifeIsTheHorse @meganlollypop @Boo-Berry-1234 @Zuterlla @AariyanaChiles @eeh13c @llEganll @CathrineYuki18 @pitgaydavis @19oranges @parley @BlackFlagSwinger @Esslyy @never_know_it @DiamondDessy @Amahle @Fangedwolf @rain841 @hiddenheartprincess @alegnakat @MoonAndStarsAreMe @tunalicious @XxPotatoQueennxX @sweety654 @laponi07 @niepoprawneslowa

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