Chapter 3 - Business As Usual

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^^ Beau ^^

** Nicolas POV **

I laid my head back, my eyes hurting from the too bright light in my room. Was it my room? I squinted my eyes and looked around. Nope, definitely not my room. I don't own light blue curtains, actually I don't own bedroom curtains at all.

"Nicolas, you need to stop getting drunk at bars." I looked over at my best friend Beau, his brown eyes boring into my green ones.

"You need to change your curtains. They're to bright this early in the morning." Beau scoffed and laid his hands on his hips.


"You only say that because you're hungover

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"You only say that because you're hungover. And to be honest, I don't care what you think, you aren't my fiancé ." I rolled my eyes and sat up.

"Speak of fiancés, where is yours?" I scratched the back of my neck, my head pounding with every dig of my nails against my skin.

"In the kitchen, making breakfast. We were going to do other things, but you decided to join us in bed." I cringed at the thought of them having sex on top of me.

"I'm sorry to be a cock block, bro." He threw his head back and laughed. I looked at him like a scared puppy, nothing could be good when he laughs at something serious.

"Don't worry about it, Kilian is always trying to pounce on my dick." I couldn't imagine cute, innocent, little Kilian doing anything like that. It's was probably more like Beau having Kilian bounce on him. The twisted fuck he was.

"Breakfast is ready." Kilian's soft voice spoke through their bedroom door. Beau walked out of the room and I followed him. We sat at their table that sat at least ten. Why they had it, I didn't know. They didn't have children, or an excessive amount of family members.

"I want to apologize Kilian for interrupting your morning routine, as your fiancé said you are always trying to pounce on his dick." Kilian turned red and glared at Beau.

"No sex for a week." He shouted at Beau. Beau turned and glared at me. "I am sorry Nicolas that he shared that kind of information with you. It was none of your business."

"It's alright Kilian, it's better than him not talking at all." Which is how Beau used to be, silent and uncaring. Before he met Kilian and I, he didn't care if he died. He was borderline suicidal, actually. The hell his mother put him through, made me hate the woman more than I hated my own family.

"Seriously." Kilian agreed and began to down whatever cereal he was eating, if it was even cereal. I wasn't going to ask though, I'm lucky to be eating at all.

"Thank you for the meal, Kilian." I stood up when I finished eating and took my dished to the sink.

"Nothing to worry about, Nicolas." He waved me away when I started to dry my dishes.

"It is when I cock blocked Beau, twice." Kilian turned red again and looked up at me with a smirk on his face.

"Don't worry about Beau. He eventually comes begging on his knees back." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Sometimes his begging is rather persuasive." He hummed and I laughed.

"Oh God, this is why you're one of my best friends." He smiled up me and I looked up at the clock above the stove. "I better be getting my ass back home."

"Hope you get the job, Nicolas." I cringed and remembered my interview. All the anger I felt then welled up inside me.

"I hope so too." Beau strutted into the Kitchen.

"You'll get it, no doubt. You're good with interviews." I looked into Beau's eyes, seeing the emotions flit across them. Worry, hope, and happiness.

"Well, I gotta go. I'll see you this weekend, right?" I arched my eyebrow up at Beau. 

" Yeah. We're going to the new club, Ecstasy." Beau nodded and rubbed his hands on his pants.

"Bye." I walked out of their house and down the sidewalk to my car that sat in the sun. No doubt revenge from Beau because he picked me up at the bar early in the morning.

I started the drive back to my apartment. The drive taking forever it seemed. Maybe it was the hangover I had or the headache I was nursing, but it made the drive longer and my patience shorter.

I carried myself to my apartment door when I reached the building. I shut the door behind me quietly when I walked into my apartment. I laid my keys down on the table in the foyer. My home phone shone the number two in big red letters. I groaned and pressed the play button.

"One message from Nila King:

Nicolas, you never called to say if you were coming or not. I assume you are coming. I'll see you then.

End of message One.

One Message from Tomas Building:

Hello, Nicolas. I'm glad to inform you that Mr. Tomas found your interview exemplary. You sat work next week Friday at eight-thirty. I will see you then. Melanie Black, Secretary of the upper floor management.

End of message Two."

I looked at the phone in surprise, shock riddled my body. Oh God, I got the job. I, Nicolas King, got the job! I clutched my chest and fell against the wall behind me. I had to call Beau and Kilian, not right now but sometime today.

I strutted to my bedroom, excitement building. Today was going to be a good day.


Dedicated to @that_one_closet_emo for voting and adding His to your Library!

I hope you guys like it! Tell me who you like more Kilian or Beau?

By the way, I won't be posting next week. I'm going to be at the beach and I'm not going to be playing with the hotel's Wi-Fi because who knows what could happen. I'm sorry!

I love you guys, thank you for the reads and votes!



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