Chapter 15 - Flip Flops

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

I wasn't desperate and clingy like a teenage girl in a YA novel, normally. Today it just seemed like I was. Last night was a like a whole new world of sins being opened up to me,but today it's like everything that could've happened was closed down.

Mr. Tomas didn't look at me when he walked in, in fact he told Melanie to tell me what I had to do today. I glared at his retreating back. Melanie came in and frowned at me.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"So, what does he want me to do?"She handed me a small stack of papers.

"The usual. Check his schedule and set meetings up, call him up for meetings, and file this work." She smirked at me. "Wanna go to lunch together?" Huh?

"Uh, I guess?" She twirled a hair around her fore finger and giggled. Like legit giggled.

"Great see you at twelve." She looked behind me and smiled. "Goodbye, Mr. Tomas. Bye, Nicolas." She winked at me and bit her lip. I couldn't look behind me, I felt his stare on my form. It was hard and harsh. I gulped when the door to the office shut quite loudly after Melanie left.

I heard his footsteps get close. His body heat surrounding me, suffocating me. I took the chance and looked up at him, catching his eyes for a brief second before I looked away.

"Her Domme is going to be mad. I am mad, but I am not your Dom. I don't have the right to punish you." He stood behind me, his breath fanning my hair. "I don't have a claim on you. In fact, I don't even know if you're into BDSM." I licked my lips and finally got the courage to speak.

"I'm gay, I don't want her." I want you, I shushed the desperate, whiny teenage girl voice in the back of my head. "And Master Andrew is going to be training me with other submissives. Besides I don't know about you, you always stare at me and scare me. Or you get mean and bitty."I gulped and looked at my hands.

He didn't say anything. He stood there for a few more seconds before walking away and slamming his office door shut.

The tension in my shoulders ramped up, make me wary all day. I couldn't go into his office and tell him about his meetings, so I was stuck calling him on the office phone. He wasn't rude, but the tone he had told me that I had hurt his feelings.

God, why couldn't I tell him I liked him? Maybe it's pride holding me back, or my sick pleasure in seeing him chase me. I didn't know, but whatever it was, fucked everything up.

"Hey, you ready for lunch?" Melanie smiled at me, her purse hanging on her elbow. I looked up at her and frowned.

"I don't think that'd be a good idea?" She frowned at me and moved forward.

"Why?" She stopped in front of me and held her hands on her hips, her purse falling to her wrist.

"Your Domme will be mad at you." She looked at me for a second, a weird look on her face, before she burst out laughing. When she realized that I wasn't laughing with her, she sobered up.

"Oh God, is that what he told you?" I nodded and she scoffed. "Mistress Candice knows I wouldn't cheat on her, but none the less I had called her before I asked you to lunch."

"But Master, I mean Mr. Tomas-" I gaped at her when she cut me off.

"Was angry because he can't fuck you and you've been oblivious to his moves. The Dom in him wants to bend you over and spank you or fuck you, either one." She smirked at the look my face and took my arm. She yanked me out of my chair, not allowing me to call Mr. Tomas and tell him that I was leaving for lunch.

"Melaine! I forgot-" She cuts me off again, for the second time today.

"It's alright. You can pay me back when we come back. And don't worry about Mr. stick-up-his-ass." She pulled me along behind her.

"But Melanie I can't just get up and leave without leaving a note or even getting my wallet." I gave her a exasperated look, but she just looked at me blankly. "My stuff could get stolen! And then I'd get hacked!" She frowned and let go of my wrist.

"Hurry up. I'll be waiting in the parking garage." I smiled at her before rushing back into the office. I stepped in the office and walked over to my desk. I did not noticing Mr. Tomas staring at me from his office door.

"Glad you could make it back." I jumped as my heart leaped up my throat. I took in his disheveled figure. His hair looked like he ran his hands through it a million times, his tie was loose and hanging off his shoulders, and he didn't have his suit jacket on anymore.

"Um, yeah. I forgot my wallet and I wanted to tell you that I was going out with Melanie before we left." I shifted slightly, his gaze not wavering from my form.

"I don't want you-to go." He stated, his voice husky and slightly slurred.

"Are you drunk, Mr. Tomas?" I asked, taking a step closer to him.

"No. I'm just a little tipsy." He smirked at me and crooked his finger at me. "Come closer. I want to tell you something." I hesitantly walked to him, my eyes scanning his figure over and over. He probably thought I was checking him out.

"What?" He grabbed my forearm, pulling me closer.

"You can't tell anyone." I nodded.

"I won't. Now, what is it?" He leaned towards me, his breath fanning my lips. "Mr. Tomas?" He sealed his lips over mine. Giving me a soft kiss before he pulled away.

"You promised not to tell anyone." I opened my mouth to speak, but he put a finger over my lips. I nodded and he smiled. "You're such a good boy."


Dedicated to: @Esslyy @GabbySwaq143 @yahceiabrechtel88 @Kevyen @Bluejay1608 @kaybaybay15 @queenpreciaisdabest @amoose3 @KaylaJeeane

@FeliciaHarperFlnhbgh @Fangedwolf @greendeer23 @submissive_lion_78 @nanna7870 @annabellecvy @fvxkboi @ksister1 @jazzyj55

I want to thank them for reading, voting, commenting, and adding this to their reading lists.

3K, guys, 3 freaking K! I can't tell you guys how much I love you. You guys make my day with all comments and votes, gah! So much love going your way!

So, tell me what you think! How was the last scene? ;)

So the other day when @PrinceKenzie updated one of her amazing books "Swim With Me", she commented on my comment. No joke, I cried. She's one of my ultimate favorite authors on here, she inspired me to write about gayromance, actually to write on here at all.

And to make my week better another author who I love, @CrazyCupcakes01 who writes "Predator & Prey", I had commented on her profile telling her how much I loved her work and then bam, she told me she like my work as well! I died and went to heaven.

Love, Nicky_Darling


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