Chapter 21 - Unforgettable Night

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**



I smiled over at Julian when he stopped in the parking lot of my apartment complex. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Did you like our date?" His lips brushing my knuckles as he spoke.

"Yeah. Thank you for that, by the way." He smirked at me before he pulled me close by the arm. His other hand found it's way to my hip and pulled me close. His lips found mine in a sweet kiss. There wasn't any tongue or gruff handling. It made me feel like he wanted this relationship, not just the sex that came with it.

"You don't have to thank me." He said when he pulled away. The taste of mint and iced-tea stuck in my mouth.

"I didn't have to, but I did." I smirked at him. "Besides, it was an amazing night."

"Well, it doesn't have to end yet." My eyes widened as he rubbed my hip with his thumb. He licked his lips before he pushed them against mine. Our lips moved together in a closed-mouth kiss. He nibbled on my bottom lip before he pulled at it. I gasped as he took the opportunity and plunged his tongue into my mouth. He caressed my tongue and tried to coax it into twisting with his.

Our tongues slipped against each other as he pressed closer to me. He pulled his mouth away from mine and kissed across my jaw. I tipped my neck to the side as his mouth wondered down my neck. I bit my lip when he found my sweet spot on my collar bone.

"We should take this inside." He muttered against my skin. I nodded drunkenly at the suggestion. He unclipped our seat belts and unlocked the doors. We stepped out of the car and into the night.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me in a chaste kiss. He laughed into the kiss before we pulled apart. We made our way to the stairway to my apartment.

"Nicolas, you don't have to do this." He said against my neck while I was unlocking my door. I opened the door before I turned in his arms.

"But I want to. I want you." I whispered against his lips. He captured my lips in a kiss and walked us into the room. He kicked the door shut before he turned us around and pressed me against it.

"God, Nicolas. The things you say." He muttered against my neck, no doubt leaving marks. His lips whispered across my skin, only staying in one spot long enough to leave his mark. I grabbed his shoulders and groaned as he nipped at my collar bone. He pulled at the buttons on my shirt as he made his way down my body.

"Julian." I ran my hands through his hair. He looked up at me from his knees. His eyes were dark and his lips red from kissing. He smirked at me before he pulled my shirt out my pants.

"I love your body, Nicolas. It's so pretty and pale. I'd love it to mark it with my marks." I gripped his hair in my hands. "You'd look so pretty, my marks on your neck are." I gasped as he licked around my belly button. My head tipped back as a moan ripped out of my throat.

He nipped along my hip bones as he unzipped my pants. I groaned as his lips kissed along the shape of my cock in my boxers. Then he pushed my pants to my ankles and helped me step out of them. He pulled my socks off.

"Julian. I can't." He pressed his lips against my left inner thigh.

"Do you want me to stop?" I shook my head.

"I don't think I can last much longer." I blushed in embarrassment as he smirked up at me.

"It's okay, Nicolas." He rubbed my thighs. "I didn't come here to get off tonight."

"God, Julian." I bit my lip as he pulled my boxers off. My erection sprang free and slapped against my stomach.

My eyes clenched shut as he ran his tongue along the vein on my cock. He kissed the head before taking it into his mouth. I couldn't help the moans that tore through my mouth. He licked the slit and I couldn't help but to buck my hips up. He glared up at me and pinned my hips to the door with his hands. I blushed and fought to stay still as he took me fully into his mouth. I bit my lip as he bobbed his head and swallowed around my cock.

"Julian. I'm gonna - I'm coming." I griped his hair hard in my hands as he sucked me dry. My face was red and embarrassment clouded my brain. God, I can't believe I came so fast.

"Nicolas, God, you're sexy when you cum."


Dedicated to:

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