Chapter 25 - Something Special

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

"Go give your man a treat." She winked at me and I arched my eyebrows at her in question. She rolled her eyes at me then. "Go suck his dick. He sucked yours, you can suck his."

"If he doesn't like it, I am blaming it on you." I brush the air out of my eyes.

"Everyone likes oral, hell I love it when my Mistress licks me out." My eyes widen in horror.

"Gross. God, there is a reason as to why I am gay. Vaginas are straight up nasty." I frown at her and she scowls at me.

"Just go suck his dick." She waves me off. I gulp at the realization that I am going to suck my boss - no, boyfriend's dick.

I knocked on his door before I let myself in. He smiled at me, nervously. It was completely different than the confident Julian I am used to. The one that is used to getting his way and getting things.

I walked up to his desk, "Hey." I smiled at him. I felt confident I could do this.

"Hey." I rounded his desk and came up behind him. "What are you doing?"

"Something special." He turned around in his desk chair. His legs were spread and that made it so much easier to sink to my knees between them. Julian looked startled for a minute before his pupils dilated in lust.

I unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, slowly as if I were to tease him. He shifted his hips up to help me pull his slacks down his thighs and to his ankles. I looked at his bulging member that laid against his stomach.

"Were you hoping for something? Is that why you're commando?" I blushed as Julian's dick dripped precome.

"I always go commando when I wear my slacks." I bit my bottom lip as i reached with my right hand to feel the hard muscle and velvety smooth skin. I traced the vein running up his cock and I got a low moan from that.

"Fuck Nicolas. You look so innocent on your knees, lightly touching my dick." Julian's raspy voice surrounded me. I looked up at him, underneath my lashes as I circled the head with my index finger. Julian gripped the chair arms in a white knuckled grip. I inwardly smirked at his reaction.

I decided to give him some relief as I kissed his cock head before suck it into my mouth. I felt Julian tense up before he groaned out loud. I sucked at his for a while, taking in the taste of his precome on my tongue. He wasn't really salty, but he wasn't sweet.

I took more of him in my mouth, licking at him. I choked when he pushed forward, making me take more of him than what I possibly can. My eyes watered and I pulled back. Julian cursed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'm sorry." He wiped the tears that fell to my cheeks away before I gripped his dick in my right hand. I pumped him in my hand while I rolled his balls in my mouth carefully. Julian Gripped my hair hard and I let out a whine. He threw his head back and groaned.

I kissed the underneath of his cock all the way back up to the head before taking him in my mouth and bobbing my head on him. Julian's other hand found it's way to my cheek and rubbed at his cock in my mouth. I moaned and he gripped my hair tighter.

"Fuck, Nicolas." I contracted my throat around his cock and he groaned while canting his hips. "I'm going to cum." I sucked on him hard and I felt him tense up. "Shit! I'm cumming!" I took every drop of cum he could give me and swallowed it.

Finally, when his orgasm had stopped he had released my hair from the death grip he had on it. He stood up and pulled up his pants. "Good boy, Nicolas." I blushed at the compliment before realizing what he had said.


Dedicated to:

@lusnka8093 @ElsieYaa @amoose3 @jaybug421 @noahantony11 @kathlyn833364568 @love_youxoxox @Zazoo1zezo @mariefer0328 @i2wannaread @curiouslilac @Queen_214 @AbelDunTyler @tunalicious @parley @missjoy09 @EvelynBlili @1DPhillygirl21 @GiselleAcosta367 @llEganll @Boo-Berry-1234 @19oranges @alegnakat @LifeIsTheHorse @CathrineYuki18 @ijk5432 @annssmith18 @Boyxboylover1998 @ksister1 @Happy_1999 @TTrice @laponi07 @Fangedwolf @Samantha2015luv @niepoprawneslowa @Esslyy @MoonAndStarsAreMe @rain841 @jrondan13 @never_know_it @fvxkboi @AshleyFerguson01 @dragonskunk @SherdaneRodgers @BlackFlagSwinger @hiddenheartprincess @BethanyMcArthur

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Okay this is a treat for you guys because I had updated late! I hope y'all like it!

Tell me what you guys think about it!




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