Chapter 2 - Hard Mornings

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^^ Nicolas ^^

** Julian's POV **

My head was pounding as soon as I cracked my eyes to look at whoever I was gripping onto. The early sunlight blinded me from the twink I was looking at. I silently in my head cursed myself for drinking so much, I cursed the sunlight, and I cursed the twink that was grinding his erection into my thigh. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before I threw this twink onto the floor.

"Daddy," The sleeping twink next to me finally woke up, "I want you." He ran a hand down my side and humped my leg like a dog. Oh God, how pathetic. 

"I'm sorry, boy. I've got to go to work." I began to push him off me when he groped my dick. It wasn't a unpleasant feeling, it was unwanted though. I gripped his wrist and grabbed for the other one when he seemed hell-bent-on arousing me. "You're being a bad boy. I don't play with bad boys." He pouted and backed off on my threat. "Now, if you're a good boy all day today, I'll find you tonight at the club." The boy nodded eagerly and jumped out of my bed.

"I'll be a good boy today for you, Master Julian." He picked his clothes off the floor and threw them on. He blew me a kiss and walked out of the bedroom. I buzzed my CPO to follow him out.

"Mr. Tomas, it is eight o'clock." Mrs. Petunia Gram, my maid or second-mother, had knocked on my door before stepping in the room.

"Petunia, I insist that you call me Julian, you are like my mother." She blushed and waved me off.

"Mr. Tomas, you know that I won't so stop asking me to." She laid her hands on her hips and cocked her left hip out. "Anyway, I came in here to inform you that Mrs. Black had called with your schedule for today and that you are needed at the office before a quarter past nine." I ran a hand down my face then threw the blankets off of me.

"Fine. I'll be there when I get there though." Petunia left the room, softly shutting the door behind her. I groaned and sat up. I know i was acting like a ten year old, but I really didn't want to go to work. Not today at least. Work was my place to escape all the clingy subs that liked to stay over, or a father that was begging me for money constantly. 

I got out off bed and walked to the bathroom where I did my business. I walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around my hips from the shower I took to wake me up. I sauntered into my walk-in closet, stared at the multitude of suits, and was deciding between the black one or the other black one. Yet, I picked out the grey one.

I went downstairs and found Calvin waiting for me at the door. "Are you ready to go, sir?" I nodded stiffly and followed him out the front door. He opened the back door to my black Cadillac Escalade. I waved him off when he was going to assist me inside. I'm not a handicap nor am I disabled, I don't need to feel like one.

 I'm not a handicap nor am I disabled, I don't need to feel like one

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"Off to work?" He said when he slid into the driver's seat. I nodded in the rear view mirror as he shifted the gear stick into place. I grabbed my phone from my suit pant's pocket before swiping my thumb over it to use it. I opened the text Melanie had sent me with my schedule. Oh God, I have an interview first thing as soon as I get there. Why did she schedule it this way? I called her.

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