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^^ Julian & Nicolas ^^
**Julian POV**


Few Years Later

Nicolas laid out on our bed, his naked body barely covered by the sheets that were tangled around his legs. His pert ass sticking up in the air as he laid on his stomach. His arms were curled around my pillow, his face smashed into it. I smirked as he huffed into my pillow.

"Come back to bed." He mumbled into my pillow, one of his arms unwrapping itself from the pillow and stretching out in my direction.

"It's almost noon, Nicolas." I chuckled as he groaned and clenched his eyes shut.

"Julian." He whined as I opened the curtains and let the sun flood the room. "I hate you." He threw my pillow at me, which didn't even make it to me, by the way.

"That's not what you were saying last night." I laughed as his face flushed.

"I was in the throes of passion. I could've said anything in order to make you feel good about yourself." He retorted as turned over and he sat up. His arms stretched above his head, giving me the pleasure of seeing his lithe body. Too bad the sheet hide his beautiful cock from my view.

"Don't give me that face, Julian Tomas." I licked my lips and narrowed my eyes as I sauntered over to him. "Especially not the eyes."

"I don't know what face you are talking about, Nicolas." I let the word face roll over my tongue in a husky whisper before I licked my lips again. He scooted back when I stood at the edge of the bed. His eyes shining with lust and love as he gazed at me.

"Yes, yes you do. The face that you make before you pounce on me. Hell, it's the face you had last night." His back met the head board as I crawled on the bed towards him.

"Mmm. I don't think I know what you are talking about. Maybe you can show me how to do it." He groaned as one of my hands tugged the sheet away from his waist.

"Julian." He whispered as my breath ghosted his hard cock. God, what a pretty sight it was. I ran my finger around the beautiful metal cock ring he had asked me to put on him before I circle his flushed head.

"So pretty." I kissed his naval. His hands found my shoulders as he tried to push me away.

"We don't have time for that. My boss would be very upset if I showed up late. You know how he is, Mr. Tomas." Nicolas smirked at me.

"Oh, I do. I don't think he'd be that upset, Mr. Tomas." I nipped at his skin above his pelvis.

"I've already had week off. He won't let me take anymore time off. Especially when he has a meeting later today." He gripped my shoulders tightly as my fingers loosely circled his cock and rubbed his sensitive tip with each upward stroke.

"I think he will. The meeting was cancelled last night. He'd want his employee to be completely rested after a week of non-stop adventures." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at him and he threw his head back and laughed.

"And today was the end to those adventures." His fingers made their way up my neck to rest at the nape.

"Mmm. That's what you think." I kissed the tip of his cock. "But I'll show you." I took his cock into my mouth, the head sitting on my tongue as I sucked on his leaking dick.

"Fuck!" Nicolas gripped my hair hard as I took more of his hot flesh into my mouth. His hips lifting up to shove more of himself into my mouth. I pulled off his glistening cock and looked up at him. My hands found his hips and they held him down as I slowly inched his cock back into my mouth. My eyes never left his and he groaned aloud.

"Shit. I love your mouth." I hummed around his cock and he gripped my hair hard. I smirked at him as one if my hands left his hip and found his puckered entrance. My index finger slowly round his hole as he moaned lowly.

I pulled off of his dripping cock and sat up to watch my finger circle his pretty rosebud. "God, your ass is amazing. Shaved and open." Nicolas blushed a dark red.

"Julian. Oh God." I found the lube that was conveniently located in the pocket of the pants I wore last night. The pants that were haphazardly strewn across the edge of the bed.

I poured the cold liquid into my hand, getting my fingers wet with the warming liquid.

My middle finger circled his hold twice before I pushed inside. His walls clamped down on my first knuckle, making it hard to move.

"Relax, baby. It'll get better, you know that." Nicolas nodded and I pulled my finger out before I shoved two fingers in.

"Julian. Fucking hell." Nicolas gasped out as my fingers stretched him out, scissor in his walls. I scrapped his sweet spot and Nicolas raked his hands through my hair.

"I found it." I pressed harder on that spot, over and over again.

"You say that everytime." Nicolas moaned out.

"Just like you say that you can't imagine fitting my big cock into your small hole." Nicolas groaned as I plunged three fingers into his pucker.

"Why can't you be normal sized?" He hissed as I imagine the sting of having three finger up your ass hole isn't that great. Especially when I've made love and fucked him continuously for a week.

"Because then you wouldn't have such pleasure fucking yourself on my cock." I swallowed when his hips started to fuck on my fingers, hitting his prostate occasionally.

Nicolas groaned as I pulled my fingers free of his clenching hole. I rolled us over and Nicolas sat on my waist as I lubed up my cock.

"Ride me." I ran my hands through his hair. He gulped and scooted back, lifting his hips and taking my cock in one hand as the other held himself up. Slowly he pressed down, taking my cock in inch by inch. His mouth open and his breath harsh.

"Fuck." He gasped when his hips were flush with mine. I smirked at him as I gripped his hips in my hands and pulled him up slowly and pressed him back down harshly. Stabbing his prostate with my dick.

"Julian. Shit." His hands rested on my chest as he rose up and sunk down on my cock faster and faster, nailing his prostate each time.

"Fuck." I moaned lowly as he leaned forward and connected our mouths together. His hips didn't stutter in their rythem.

He gasped into my mouth as one of my hands found his leaking cock and stroked in time with his hips. His harsh pants pressed against my lips.

"Oh God. I'm gonna cum." Nicolas stilled above me as his walls were clenching down on my cock.

"I love you, Julian Tomas." He muttered against my neck as ropes of his cum splashed against our stomachs.

"I love you, Nicolas Tomas." I whispered against his ear as my cum coated his walls. My arms wrapped around his middle and I pulled him to me.


This is for my dedicated fans who were with me to the end and for my new fans.

This is the end of the journey of Nicolas and Julian.

I want to thank you all for the reads, comments, votes, follows, and for adding HIS to your libraries. If it weren't for you guys, HIS wouldn't be as big as it is. Thank you.

No. There will not another book about these two, but you can expect another book called MINE.

See you in the next chapter of my adventures.




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