Chapter 27 - Dirty Mind

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

I threw my head back and whimpered as Julian teased my slit. He rolled my balls in his hands while he sucked at my cock head.

"FUCK!" I gripped Julian's hair in a white knuckled grip as he stroked my cock and suckled at the head at the same time.

Julian kept stroking my cock as he stopped sucking on my cock and kissed my thighs before he suckled my balls in his mouth on at a time. I groaned and tried to hold myself back from gyrating on his face.

Julian pushed my legs farther apart and shifted his shoulder father down. I gasped as he raised my hips up and kissed my pucker.

"Holy shit!" I moaned and let go of his hair to grab at the bedding below us. Julian licked a line up from my pucker to my balls. He sucked at my pucker and I knew that I was going to have beard burn in the morning.

"Oh God!" My fingers curled in the bedding when he speared his tongue and slipped it inside of me. I panted as he added a finger along with his tongue. I bit my lip and flexed my thighs as he fingered me slowly. God, he was torturing me with pleasure.

Julian added a second finger and sped up his thrusts. He started to pump my cock in time with my thrusts and he rubbed the head while his tongue kissed and sucked at my rim. Then he hit my prostate and a silent scream exited my mouth. Julian smirked against my skin before he relentlessly hit my prostate, making me beg and grind down on his fingers in need. He quickened his pace and I couldn't help the tears that started to prick my eyes. The warm sensation in my stomach came and I knew.

"Fuck. Julian, I am-cumming!" My cum splattered on my stomach and all over Julian's hand. He took his fingers out of me before he sucked my cum off of his fingers. Holy Mother of God that was hot. I gulped and relaxed my limp body on the bed.

"God, Nicolas. You look so fucking hot. Covered in cum and sweat, all fucked out." He chuckled and I glared up at him.

"I ought to be, Mr. 'Nicolas-Can-Orgasm-At-Least-Six-Times'." He ran a hand through my hair.

"I let you have a break and you could've stopped this at any time." He smirked at me. "You wanted it." He licked the edge of my ear and I shivered before my protesting body scooted away.

"When I said I wanted a raise, this isn't what I meant." I groan when Julian ran a hand down my left side.

"I think this was a great promotion and you worked really hard for this kind of raise. Even though you had help." Julian chuckled against my shoulder.


Dedicated to:

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SURPRISE! This is your reward for getting me to 20K! Love ya'll!

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