Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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^^ Tomas Skoloudik as Julian ^^

**Nicolas POV** 

My alarm went off, screaming the new Ariana Grande song. A muted groan escaped my lips and into the pillow I was currently suffocating myself with. I kicked my feet out of the blankets and decided I needed to get ready.  I rolled out of bed, clutching my warm, Marvel's blanket close to me. I walked to the bathroom.

What the hell? Why won't the door open?  I need to shower!

I bang on the door with my fist, "Whoever the fuck is in there needs to get out! Now!" I pound some more and finally, the door opened. Steam rolled out of the bathroom, heat prickled my skin, and I saw the person stealing my shower.

"Who the hell are you?" I couldn't help but grimace at the old bag in my shower. She wasn't old though, she just looked like it. Probably from all the make-up she was wearing.

"I'm Sam, we met last night at the club, then we went to your apartment. We drank some coffee, and you cried because you thought no man would ever go for a guy like you." Oh. That's definitely better than what I'd thought I'd hear.

"So, we didn't have sex?" I quirked at eyebrow at her.

"No, but you did try to touch my breasts all night, asking me what they felt like." Maybe I should lay off the alcohol for awhile.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but I've got to get ready for my interview." I walked around her to get into the bathroom. "Food is in the refrigerator." I shut the door as soon as she's out of the doorway. If that wasn't awkward, I couldn't imagine what it'd feel like if I had a one night stand with a woman. Gross.

I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, and used the toilet. I strutted into my bedroom, feeling brand new. I pulled out the light blue dress shirt and black slacks I had saved for today. I dressed quickly, pulled my hair into a small pony in the back. I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself mental courage. 

I'm going to have a good day. I'm going to rock this interview. I'm going to get this job. Repeated in my head.

I picked up my briefcase that was laying on my desk, looked int he mirror once again, then I left the room. Sam wasn't there when I walked into the kitchen. Thank God, I didn't want to got through that awkwardness again. It'd ruin the confidence I just built. She left a note though, I didn't read it. As rude as that seems, but I couldn't get myself to feel bad about it.

I turned on the coffee machine and took out a mug. The clock on the wall read 7:33. Luckily, the interview wasn't until 9:45. Giving the fact the place was thirty-five minutes away,  I had time to get there and eat breakfast. 

The coffee machine dinged and I poured myself a mug of coffee. I sat down at the bar or was it an island? Well, I just sat and drank my coffee. 


At 8:50, I left my apartment. I walked down the second story staircase and outside. I stopped at my 2016 black Nissan Altima. I threw my briefcase in the passenger seat and climbed into my car.

 I threw my briefcase in the passenger seat and climbed into my car

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