Chapter 29 - For You

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^^ Nicolas ^^

**Nicolas POV**

Julian softly squeezed my cold, trembling hand. The nerves were getting to me, but I wasn't going to back out. This is something important to Julian. Something I want to try before we move farther in this relationship. 

I bit my lip as we passed the bouncer at the front door. He took one look at Julian and nodded before knocking on the door and letting us in. I gulped at the sight of the front desk and the woman handing out bracelet.

"What color do you want?" I looked at him confused. Beau just got me a bracelet last time. "White means that none of Doms aren't aloud to talk or touch. Yellow means that the Doms can talk, but can't touch. Red means that Doms can talk and touch, but have to ask. Green means you're up for vanilla only tonight. Black means you're up for certain play."

"Can I still touch you if I get a yellow bracelet?" I look up at him, taking in all of his features.

"Do you want me to still touch you?" I licked my lips and nodded. "I need a verbal answer Nicolas."

"Yes, sir." Lust spiked in Julian's eyes and he gulped.

"Natalia, could you get my sub a yellow bracelet. But could you put down that I am allowed to touch him in the log." The woman nodded and reached under the desk and pulled out a yellow bracelet.

Julian put it on my wrist before grabbing my hand and threading his fingers through mine. I followed him through the crowd of people. A couple of people groped me and a group of people almost broke us up. Finally we made it to the top level. Apparently there was a basement for the extreme sadists/masochists. I don't think I want to go down there anytime soon.

I stared at Julian's back as we walked into the V.I.P. room. I tried not to look at the subs that were grinding on the dance floor or the scenes that were happening on different stages. I wanted to be good for my first time here with Julian. We may not be sub and Dom yet, but eventually we might be.

"Julian, I see you've caught your lamb." I shifted my feet when Julian's friend, the Master Dom Andrew, spoke.

"It may have taken some time, but he couldn't resist." Julian squeezed my hand and I felt my nerves disperse.

"If the little lamb ever gets bored of you, I'm available." I felt Julian tense and I ran my empty hand down his back to loosen the tension.

"Please, my lamb could do better." Julian scoffed.

"Well, there's going to be a scene later. Adam and Sache are performing."

"We'll see if he is up to watching tonight."  

"I hope you guys stay, it's going to be hot." I felt my face turn red and I rested my cheek against Julian's cool leather jacket.

"Mmm, I'll definitely have to ask." I bit my lip and stood straight when I felt Julian start to walk. He let go of my hand and sat on the white leather sofa. I dropped to my knees, somewhat gracefully and rested my head on his thigh. He ran a hand through my hair and I closed my eyes and the sensation it was giving me.

"So, do you want to watch the scene Nicolas?" I bit my lip and nodded slowly. "I think you'll like it." He whispered down to me and I blushed. God, I don't think my cheeks could get any redder at this point in time.

Julian and Master Andrew started to talk about work and sports. I was going to fall asleep if he kept running his hand through my hair. Julian softly tugged at few strands of hair, forcing my eyes open and I looked at him. He patted his lap and I crawled into it.

"The show is going to start soon." He gave me a chaste kiss and turned me around in his lap to face the main stage. 


Dedicated to:

@internet_memetrash @day1dreamer @Melody11499 @cherry347 @purpleheart1201 @shula_1 @kawaiipotato1089 @lousbumm @VampireKnight19 @larrystylisontrash @rain45p @dekleene87 @Awfulperson @ElsieYaa @crissy4eva @jackfrost2001 @MekaiMiller @zainourry_is_life @tardizziwilz @girlscoutsweety

for reading, voting, commenting, following, and adding HIS to their libraries! Thank you guys!

Yes, this is  Christmas Special FOR YOU! For all of you that have stayed with me up to this point! I appreciate everything you guys have done for me! I love all of you! I hope you like seems to be y'alls Christmas present!




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