Chapter 16 - Excuse Me

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^^ Julian ^^

** Julian POV**


His face was still in a state of shock as I smirked at him. Then he did the unthinkable and slapped me.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Kissing all up on me?" I frowned and brought my hand to my stinging cheek.

"What the hell?" I look at him, brow raised.

"Oh no. You don't get to answer my questions with a question." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I want you." I step close to him, our foreheads touching. "Is that a good answer?"

"No." He whispered, his eyes reaching mine.

"Why not?" I rush out.

"Because... because it would ruin our reputations. I could lose my job. You could get sued." He backed away, his eyes reflecting his emotions. Fear, passion, lust, and anger.

"Nicolas, it doesn't have to be that way." He cocks his hip out.

"What if we are seen in public, hmm?"

"That's your choice, but honestly I don't care if the public knows." His lips thin and he raises his brow.

"Well I don't even know what to think about this - whatever this is." It was my turn for my lips to press together and arch both of my eyebrows.

"What do you want it to be?" He scrunches his eyebrows and frowns at me.

"I was hoping that we could start off slow, as employer and employee." But obviously that doesn't work. I want you too much. "Then you came out of nowhere, kissing me like a man without water. But I don't think we should sacrifice your company for some lust. So why don't we just start off as friends?"

"Friends?" I wanted to scoff. How could I be friends with a man that I wanted in my bed at all times, whether his hands were in handcuffs or not. "Yeah, we can be friends." He gave me a small, shy smile.

"Great. Come to lunch with Melanie and I." I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Sorry. I've got work to do." He nodded and waved before walking out of the office.

"Great going Julian. Now you've been friend zoned." I mutter to myself before I disappear into my office.

I walk over to my desk and plant my self in the leather office chair. I tap my fingers on the desktop before rolling closer and opening my laptop. I fooled around for a bit before I actually got to work. Tax papers and new ideas for the company were the main culprits of the stack of paper on my desk.

"Mr. Tomas, it's seven o'clock. I am heading home." I looked up when Nicolas knocked on the door before he peeked his head in.

"Oh. Have a goodnight. I'll see you here early tomorrow, at eight for the meeting." He smiled then shut the door behind him when he disappeared.

I sighed and looked back down at the tax papers in front of me. I rubbed the bride of my nose before I ran my hand trough my hair. Making my hair stand up in every direction, making it look more like sex hair than when I actually have sex.

God, I couldn't look at this anymore. I shut the folder and rolled away from the desk before shutting my laptop and packing it into my briefcase.

I left my office, locking the door behind me before I walked to the elevator and pressed for the ground floor. I watched as the floors passed by, the occasional employee jumping on and joining the ride.

I stepped off the elevator as soon as my floor came up. I found my car and jumped in, ready to get home and rest.The drive to my house wasn't long, thank God. As soon as I reached my room, I stripped and fell asleep.


His mouth left kisses along my body. His eyes looking up at me, mischievousness sat in the beautiful blue hazel orbs. I gripped his hair in my hand when he placed a teasing kiss on my tip. Fuck. He smirked before licking at my cock again. I pulled on his hair a little, gaining a moan from him. He brought his eyes to mine before he licked the underside of my cock, tracing the vein there. He suckled a ball into his mouth and then the other before he kissed his way back to my tip. He licked up the pre-come that was leaking out before he took my tip into his mouth. I let out a low moan. Oh God, this felt great.

Slowly, he took inch by inch into his succulent little mouth. His lips spread wide around the base. He looked up at me, tears gathered in his eyes.

"Fuck, Nicolas." He let his jaw go slack , allowing me to face fuck him. I pulled out slowly, letting his warm, wet cavern adjust.He moaned around my cock. Holy shit, this was heaven. I let myself speed up my thrusts before I stilled in his throat. I looked at him one last time before my eyes clenched shut at the feeling of my climax reaching it's peak.

"Thank you, Master." He said, mouth devoid of any cum. He stood up and kissed my lips before he backed away and disappeared.

Fuck, I haven't had a wet dream since I was a teen. I felt the stickiness in my sheets that surrounded me.


Dedicated to: @i_love_cheesecake_02 @fvxkboi @Serenitiy_Chan @Esslyy @niepoprawneslowa @ijk5432 @leishlovebooks @Nanna7870 @Fangedwolf @GabbySwaq143 @annabellecvy @ksister1 @never_know_it @LifeIsTheHorse @Kevyen @MoonAndStarsAreMe @Rollibear @cook0000

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