Chapter 14

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The doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to open the door.
- You're late.
I told Ellen.
- Yeah nice to see you too.
She responded.
She was wearing her jeans and t shirt and had a full bag of make up with her.
- So where do we start from ?
She asked headed to my room.
- Well since it's almost eight I bet we should start by giving me your clothe's advice.
She chose black leather jeans for me with a white top and a black skirt with a top and high heels for her.
We both straighten our hair and as I am the professor in make up I started make her up.
- So Jane tell us what's new in your life.
She said calmly and I knew what she really wanted to learn.
- Well everything's fine.
I answered trying not to lose my temper.
- I'm pretty sure that everything's fine especially when you have a fan that gives you flowers.
My hand was shaking now. It's not that I didn't want to tell Ellen about Gareth it's that I had decided to talk to him about my feelings first and see his reaction then I could tell Ellen either that he let me down and we will burst the whole night out laughing either... well there was no second option.
- So will you tell me who he is ?
She asked me as I finished her make up.
- Not the right time Ellen. I don't have time I need to finish my make up as well.
Ellen looked at me shocked.
- Fine Jane.
She said and I could see her becoming extremelly mad at me. She sat in my bed and took my block with all my drawings inside. She started admiring my work while I was doing my make up. Suddenly she burst out laughing.
- Gareth will really like your drawing of him here.
She said and continued seeing my drawings.
I tried to be as cool as possible. I didn't want her to understand how I feel about him. It's weird...
After almost an hour we were both ready to go to this party. Ellen said she could drive and we headed towards Sergio's house.
I have been to his house many times. He lives alone and the house is huge. He is so lucky. I'm forced to live with my parents in a house that it's not even big. At least I have my own bedroom. The party was taking place in Sergio's garden.
- So you came.
Isco said looking mostly at Ellen with a warm smile.
- Jane you look perfect.
Isco complimented me.
- Thanks Ellen is my stylish.
- Really ?
Isco asked making a weird face.
- So Ellen why don't you use your beauty tips to yourself ?
Isco asked making me laugh and making Ellen give me the death stare.
- Hey girls.
Sergio said.
- You can have fun tonight but you can't steal the show because the English chicks will be the stars.
I rolled my eyes to Sergio. He was always that annoying. Akon arrived and I decided to give them some space. I was searching for Gareth but he wasn't there. The night was still young he will come later.
I thought to myself.
But he never show up. Both Bessy and Adele were here. Everyone was having the time of their lives as the night passed by but he still wasn't here and I felt lonely like I don't have anyone to talk to. Ellen was dancing showing everyone her moves, Sergio seemed frustrated since Bessy was flirting with Isco , some girls were drinking like hell and on the corner was Adele kissing someone. Thanks God Gareth wasn't here so he couldn't be him. I was getting really bored since my plan failed when I saw something really weird. The guy Adele was kissing had something familiar. I knew this jacket and these shoes but mostly I knew his blouse since I was the one helping Ellen decide which blouse should he buy to his boyfriend for their six months anniversary. I felt dizzy. The boy stopped kissing her and I saw clearly his face.. omg it was Akon.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now