Chapter 124

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I hugged Ellen bursting out in tears.
- I've missed you so much.
I said while crying.
- I've missed you too.
She said crying as well.
- Leilane I want some privacy with Ellen please.
Leilane was my bodyguard. She was German and I've met her via my manager who said that I need a bodyguard since I was a public person now.
Yes, a public person. Think only that I never liked these things.
Leilane said that she won't let anyone come to my kitchen.
Leilane was a beautiful girl. Her blond hair and blue eyes were a magical combination.
She closed the door behind us and after a while Virginia my cooker came in.
- I brought you tea mrs. Smith.
She said excussing herself.
- Thank you Virginia.
I said and she left.
Virginia was my cooker. Apparently I had a whole army for me.
Virginia was an old lady. She was always dying her hair red just to show younger but she couldn't fool anyone. But she was good and I trusted her. Her grey eyes seemed innocent.
- Well, it seems like you have an army.
Ellen said sipping her tea and smiling.
- They are good.
I said smiling back at her.
Although Ellen lived in England I knew that she was now married with two children. In fact she was married to Oscar Emboada. She was happy although I could understand looking at her eyes that something was wrong.
- I bought a painting of yours.
She said smiling.
- Did my manager force you to ?
I asked her. Kathrine could be really annoying sometimes. I was afraid when I first met her. She is somewhere at 30 but she takes her job really seriously. She is always formal dressed and has her brown hair in a bun. I remember her always being nice with me since the first day I met her .
- You need a manager mrs. Smith and I can be one. I take my job seriously.
She has said while smiling with her green eyes at me.
- So, how's everything ?
Ellen asked interrupting my thoughts.
- Fine I guess. What about you ?
I asked her and she looked down....come on Ellen.
- Sergio informed me about the surprise.
She said trying to distract me.
- Yes, I know. Tell me about you now.
I said while sipping my tea.
- Well, everythings fine.
She said and I noticed her hand shaking.
- What's wrong Ellen ? You know I can understand if something is wrong. Seleste was a good teacher all these years.
I said making her laugh.
- I don't doubt it. In fact I may see her one of these days cause there's something I need to talk with someone about.
- You can talk to me.
I said feeling insulted that she had already forgotten me.
Ellen looked at me with her grey eyes.
- Can I ?
She asked and I notice that her eyes were filled with tears.
- Of course Ellen. What's wrong ?
I asked her.
- Well, I met Isco....
She said and her voice shaked.
- And ?
- He plays in the same team as Oscar you know. I didn't know it and I'm really not glad that I discovered it.
She said her voice still shaking.
- And what happened ?
I knew that Ellen was still in love with him. I just know it.
- He...he....well we started discussing our lives. He's also married you know and has...children.
- And ?
- I don't know how to say it but....
She looked in the room afraid that someone was hearing.
- Tell me Ellen...
- He asked me to leave with him and forget about everyone and everything.
A tear dropped down her face. And I know why because she felt guilty. She wanted to leave everything and be with Isco but she knew that that would be really selfish.
- And what did you say ?
I asked her although there was no need to.
- I denied of course.
She said but I know that there was no of course. She had thought of it.
- Poor Ellen, you know we all do mistakes and yours biggest one was letting Isco leave.
- I know.
She said and I saw another tear.
The truth is that you don't know what you have until you lose it but it is also true that you never expected that you would lose it.
Hours later after the end of the party and while everyone left I helped Virginia clean.
- Mrs. Bale there's a woman in the door saying that she knows you. For your safety....
Leilane said but I interrupted her by heading to the door. And what I saw shock me. Mia was standing there.

- You remember me ?
Mia asked. I haven't seen her in ages....but could I forget ? I didn't remember her specifically but I remembered everything that Gareth and I had been through.
- Yes, Mia have a seat.
- No, thanks. I'll be short.
She said looking around as if she was searching for something.
- Should I offer you....
- Stop Jane. I just wanted to visit you and see if you're fine.
- Why shouldn't I be ?
I asked sarcastically.
She looked embarrassed.
- A friend of mine bought one of your paintings. And I remembered your name. I thought that maybe it was a coinsidence but Jane Bale seemed clear to me.
She looked down. Was she trying to insult me ?
- A friend of yours bought a painting of mine ? I guess that your taste is too sophisticated for my paintings.
I said sarcastically again.
Now I think she was insulted. She looked down again.
- Actually I like your paintings. It's just that I can't afford them.
I looked at her. Mia Martinez couldn't afford my paintings ?
- Why ? Don't they pay you enough in this magazine......
- I got fired Jane.
- Why ?
I asked although I had the terrible feeling that I didn't want to listen why.
- I got fired a long time ago. Before twelve years actually.
She looked at me and I understood.
- You mean....
- They got me fired because I didn't want to publice the accident, Gareth's death and all these.....
She said still looking down. Why did she do that ? Maybe Sergio told her so. But no....I doubt it.
- I'm sorry for that Mia.
- It's okay. I got to go. Thanks for your time.
She said and before I could say anything Leilane led her outside.

The next morning I visited Sergio asking about her but he told me that he had no idea.
- Where's Bessy ?
I asked but then I understood.
- She's busy.
He said sadly.
- Join us for dinner tonight.
I said because he liked our company.
- Will do. Thanks Jane.
He said and I kissed his forehead while exciting.
I arrived at home and I found Gareth getting ready for practise.
- Practise ?
I asked kissing his forehead.
- Yes. We have a match tomorrow. You're coming aren't you ?
He asked although I haven't missed a match.
- Of course. Ben's driving you. Be careful.
I said smiling.
- Will do. Mom, why are you always worried ?
His question caught me by surprise.
- What do you mean ?
- You always say be careful and....
- Oh that. Because, I'm afraid that maybe you.....because....because I worry about you. Because I love you.
- I love you too mom.
He said hugging me and headed to Ben who was standing on the door.
- Uncle Sergio is coming for dinner tonight.
I informed him.
- Cool. See you mom.
- See you....and you careful cause I'm afraid Gareth. Afraid Like Im Gonna Lose You.


Thanks to all of you that you have read my story it means the world to me.

I will come up with a new story really soon cause I have already came up with an idea. Thanks again for the support. My new story will be with Julian Draxler.

Thanks again hope you enjoyed my story ❤

Thanks again hope you enjoyed my story ❤

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Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now