Chapter 116

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- You are a terrible girlfriend. How dare you Jane ? Are you completely out of your mind ? What is Gareth going to think ? If I was you I would never ever do such thing to him.
I could hear Ellen's words after saying to her what happened with Sergio. Although I wasn't really sure of what happened with Sergio.
Because I was drunk. Because I'm so fucking irresponsible. But Ellen didn't come. And I was happy with that.

- Why don't you eat ?
Ellen asked when we were out for lunch.
- I'm not hungry.
- I am.
She said eating her food.
- To tell you the truth I feel bad from yesterday.
- Why what happened yesterday ?
She asked.
- I mean with the drink Ellen.
I said as I was afraid she could read my mind.
- Yes, right you have overdone it again. Any news from Gareth ?
She asked and my knife fall to the table.
- I'm fine. I....need some....water.
I said while my hands were shaking.
- I know that you think of the worst Jane but give him a chance to prove himself. Maybe you misunderstood.
She said and I realized she was talking about Gareth and Adele.
- Yes, you are right.
I said but suddenly I saw Isco and Sergio coming toward us.
- Hey guys.
Ellen said and Isco kissed her. I avoided Sergio's look and I excused myself as I told Ellen that I had something really important to do.
I sarted walking but Sergio took my hand.
- I want us to talk Jane. Please.
He said looking me in the eyes.
- There's no need to. We don't have anything to say.
I replied and I noticed that Ellen and Isco were looking at us as if we were crazy.
- What's wrong between you two ?
Ellen asked making me pale.
- Nothing. I just need to go. See you Ellen.
I said and I left before Ellen could ask anything else I couldn't handle.

I couldn't stop crying. I felt so guilty. I haven't talked with Gareth yet but I don't want to. I hoped he was really cheating on me with Adele. I deserved it. I was a hoe.
The knock on my door scared me.
- Not now mom.
I said and I couldn't stop crying.
The door opened.
- It's me Jane.
Sergio said and as I looked at him I cried even more and louder. He closed the door behind him.
- Stop crying.
He said hugging me.
- Leave me alone Sergio.
I said and I hit his hands.
- I'm sorry Jane. I don't know what else to say. I'm really sorry. I had fucked up. I just wanted you to sleep with me and I know that there's no explanation but I'll talk to Gareth if you want to.
He said and as I heard Gareth's name I cried louder. Sergio hugged me again.
He kissed my forehead.
- It's going to be alright.
He said and to my surprise my room's door opened again. It was Ellen.
- What's going on between you two ? I need an explanation now.
Ellen said.
- Can't you look at her ?
Sergio said pointing me out.
- I can.
Ellen said raising an eyebrow.
- So do you think that she's able to talk about it ?
- Yes. You out.
Ellen said and led him out of my room.
- If you need anything just call me.
Sergio said and Ellen closed the door at him while she was saying:
- She won't.
- Ellen, I'm really not in the mood.
- What has he done to you ?
She said referring to Sergio.
- Nothing....he just....
And then my phone vibrated. It was Gareth.
- Won't you pick it up ?
Ellen asked and I kept looking at my phone.
- It's Gareth.
I said as if that could explain everything.
Ellen took the phone from my hands.
- Hello ?
I heard her saying.
- She's here but she doesn't want to talk to you. Not after what you did last night.
Ellen said looking at me and I considered what I did last night.
- No, you can't talk to her.
I heard Ellen saying.
- Give me the phone.
I said grabbing it from her hands.
- Gareth...
I said as I heard his voice.
- Jane. I can explain. It's not what you think. Something happened and I can't tell you now. It's terrible. I'm shocked.
I started crying again.
- I believe you.
I said and it was the truth. Deep inside I knew he hasn't cheated on me.
- Really ? Thank you baby. I'm coming tomorrow. I will explain although I don't think you can handle what really happened.
He said his voice a whisper.
- I don't care what happened. I forgive you if you have cheated on me. I love you so much.
I said and Ellen looked at me surprised.
- I love you too Jane. Remember we can beat anything together. It's just a bad period. This trip was a mistake.
He said and I knew he was right.
We hanged up. Indeed he was right. Everything changed in a night. This trip was a mistake.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now