Chapter 62

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- You can't imagine how awful this dress looked in her. If I was her I would be embarrassed.
Sara said and they both laughed.
- Yes even Jane disliked this dress and she likes a lot weird things.
Ellen said and they laughed again. Ellen looked at me to see why I didn't participate to their conversation.
- What's wrong Jane ?
Ellen asked.
- You know she maybe liked that dress.
Sara said and Ellen tried to hide a laugh. Since when these two were laughing at the same things ?
- Nothing. Everything's fine.
I said while faking a smile.
- Sure....
Ellen replied with a we'll talk later look.
Perfect. The last thing I wanted was Ellen to ask questions.
- Aren't you late for work ?
Sara asked after a while because of me having the habit leaving them in the middle of a conversation and making my way to the cafe. But today was different. Today I didn't want to go to work. What if Chloe was right ? Nobody could really reassure me about Brandon.
- Yes, I got to go. I'll catch you later.
If I'm alive till then.
I thought to myself as I made the way to cafe. I was avoiding eye contact with all of them. Kate had the day off, so she wasn't here. But Brandon was unfortunately staring at me and so was Chloe.
- Don't stay with Brandon to give you the money tonight.
Chloe whispered in my ear.
- I don't really have a choice.
- Get over it Jane. Say that you'll forget everything otherwise Brandon is going to make your life a nightmare.
She said her voice clean and low.
- I'm sorry Chloe but I can't.
- How much of a stubborn are you ? Brandon is not one to be trusted.
- It's not only the drugs you know. I want the money I deserve.
I said looking at her.
- Just listen to me this time. It's for your own good.
- What can he possibly do to me ?
- I don't know. That's why I warn you.

- Jane you should stay here and.... draw.
Brandon said as he looked at Chloe. Chloe looked at me with her eyes telling me to go with her. But I just couldn't. Our shift was finally over but I had to take the money. I could see me check in for the first airplane to France. I hope this won't be just a fantasy.
- I'm leaving.
Chloe said looking worringly at me.
I nodded. She was overreacting. I think. Brandon saw her making her way out and then walked toward the door locking it.
- Here you are.
He said giving me an envelope. I took it. Fortunately he was not lying. I counted the money. How could he manage to find them ? Has he stolen a bank or something ?
The thought was terrifying.
- Thanks.
I said smiling.
- Leavin.
I said while making my way toward the door.
- Not so fast Jane.
He said and I realized that it was more to the story.
- How do I know that you keep your mouth shut ?
- You don't know it.
I said because it was the truth. I never said that I'll keep his secret even when he gives me the money.
- You see that's the problem Jane. I never really trusted you.
Fuck what does that mean ?
From the stairs I saw Kate coming. With other four men one of them that I saw yesterday. Kate's face was pale.
I looked at them. They didn't seem to be happy.
Why haven't I listened to Chloe ?
- Showtime guys.
Brandon said and they all made their way toward me.
- I have never done this before Jane. But I don't know what else I should do with you.
Brandon said and one of them grabbed me and tried to shut my mouth with his hand. I manage to kick him but that of course wasn't enough since the others pulled me down on the floor and tried to shut my mouth. Brandon gave the one that I show yesterday a knife.
What the.... ?
- Don't move or make any noise.
Brandon said. I saw Kate being pale, her hands shaking.
I closed my eyes knowing that I had fucked up once more, knowing that there was no going back.
That was it ? Was I going to die ? Was really my life over ?
But I couldn't see any light or something like that.
- Everybody down!
A shout came from broken now door and police came inside arresting all of us. I stopped breathing. Not sure if I was terrified and wondered how the police find us or relieved that at least I haven't died..... yet.
- You slut.... how did you call the police ?
Brandon yelled at me his eyes have turned red.
- I ... I didn't.
I explained although I was relieved. I hope that this will be the end in all these shit going through in my life.
- So who...??
And then he looked at the door. And I did so. And I saw her. Chloe was standing there.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now