Chapter 61

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I wanted to call at the cafe and tell that I was sick. I couldn't face Brandon. What was he going to do to me ? Now he knew that I know.... I was afraid I wasn't as brave as I was trying to show to the world. But I didn't have a choice. I couldn't hide forever. Really slowly I made my way to the cafe wishing that it would be full of clients so that we would all be busy and won't discuss what I saw last night. Fortunately we had a lot of work but I saw both Kate and Brandon staring nervously at me and whispering to each other. I tried my hardest to ignore them but it was impossible since I could feel Brandon's eyes in me all the time.

- Do you want me to drive you home tonight Jane ?
Chloe asked because we finished at the same time tonight and she had finally bought a car. Actually it was a present from her parents.
- Sure.
I replied since I was afraid to stay and draw at the cafe but I was also afraid to go home all alone in the dark of the night concerned that Brandon would follow me or something.
- Okay I'll wait for you outside.
She said making her way out.
Kate had already left and I did as fast as possible so that I wouldn't bump into Brandon. But because of me being unlucky I failed.
- Jane can we talk ?
He asked trying to be calm I think but he failed.
- Sure...
I said not looking at him at all.
- What you saw last night.....
He begun....
- It's not what you think and I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't me ntion anything to anyone.
He said his voice shaking. Shaking.... wait a minute was he afraid ?
I finally looked into his eyes and it occured to me he didn't want to hurt me he was afraid.....
Showtime Jane...
I thought to myself.
- Well I don't know if I actually can do this.
- Please...
He said his tone louder.
- You have to do something for me as well.
I said raising an eyebrow.
- What ?
He asked but his eyes betrayed that he already knew the answer.
- Give me the money I have really earned.
- I can't do such thing Jane...
- Then I'm afraid I can't keep your secret.
I said smirking.
- You don't get it Jane.... I don't have the money all of them are now....
He stopped and lowered his voice.
- I used them for drugs.
My eyes opened in disbelief. All of them ? He was more of an ausshole than I ever thought.
The fact that he was so scared made me more powerfull.
- I don't give a damn Brandon. Find the money or I'll call the police.... right now.
I said and to made myself more persuasive I grabbed my phone pointing it out at him. He got pale and I smirked.
- It's your choice....
I said smiling sarcastically.
- Fine.
He said.
- By the end of the week you'll have them all.
- I don't think I can keep your secret that long.
- Jane.... I don't have them.
- Then I'll call the police.
- Fine. When do you want them ?
- At this time tomorrow.
He laughed making me lose my temper.
- What do you think am I ? A bank ?
- I'll call the police.
I said again and he became serious once more.
- You bitch.... okay I'll try.
- You better achieve your goal otherwise I'm going to visit you in jail you perverd.
I walked outside the cafe and wemt straight to Chloe's car. She was inside staring nervously at the window.
- Hi.
I greeted her trying to forget my not so pleasant conversation with Brandon. She never responded.
We reached my house and as I was about to leave the car she grabbed my hand.
- You shouldn't have done this Jane.
She seemed worried.
- Done what ?
I asked her confused.
- Telling that things to Brandon. You can't imagine what he's about to do.
Her eyes got wet.
- I don't understand Chloe...
- You think you are clever because you discovered the drugs... well you are not.
- You knew about the drugs ?
I asked and for a moment I wondered if she was as well involved in this. She must have read my mind or something because she responded immediately.
- I understood that one day by chance. I wanted to call the police but Brandon said that if I'd ever do that he would claim that I was also involved in that.
- So ? Why would police believe Brandon ?
- It would be my word against his.
She responded bursting out in tears.
- Don't threaten him Jane. You'll regret it.
- And the funny fact was I thought you would help me.
I responded dissappointly.
- Leave things the way they are. He can kill you.
- I'm not afraid Chloe.
- You'll regret it. But don't say I didn't warn you.
She said and I walked out of her car. She was stupid for thinking this way but I didn't care I would do it my way she liked it or not...

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now