Chapter 47

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I was now sitting quietly trying to pay attention to what my father and mr. Wallace were discussing. It seemed like Atletico Madrid was the outsider tonight but you never know. My phone rang and both my father and mr. Wallace looked at me. I blushed for a moment because of the attention I was given.
- Excuse me I should....
I said pointing out my phone as I walked far away from them while my father gave me the death stare. I ignored him.
- Hello ?
I said as I picked up the phone without looking who was calling.
- Have you slept good yesterday night ?
Gareth's voice was a soft whisper that made my heart melt.
- Gareth....
I said as my tongue pronounced with a very passionate way his name. This trip wasn't that good. We haven't manage to spend a lot of time together despite what we have said.
- I want to see you.
He said still whispering.
- Me too but my father...
- I know that he's here and who's the other man with him ?
- Mr. Wallace, Akon's father how do you know that they are here ?
- I know everything I care about Jane.
He said and I couldn't avoid the feeling that he was spying on me.
- Well so you know as well that I can't come to see you.
- Yes but I can.
- How Gareth ?
- Come upstairs.
- Are you crazy ?
- Crazy in love with you.
- Gareth....
- Upstairs Jane...
- Okay just wait a minute.
- Only a minute.
He said and his tone of voice was kind of a threaten. I put an end to the call and headed towards my father who was staring at me while mr. Wallace was talking to him.
- I'm sorry dad, mr. Wallace but I have to go upstairs and search for Sara's phone. She has forgotten it here most probably but she's not sure and she called me to tell me to search it. I'll be in my room.
I said looking at my father not being sure that he believed me.
- It's okay Jane we were about to leave.
Mr. Wallace explained smiling.
Oh! What a relief !
- Oh then I'll see you at the match tonight.
I said hugging mr. Wallace and then hugging my father as well.
- Bye dad.
I said while hugging him.
- We have a conversation to finish Jane and you have to think again about staying more days here.
He said in my ear so that mr. Wallace wouldn't hear him. I didn't respond and when I made sure they have left I went hastily upstairs. But I couldn't see Gareth. I was about to open my door's room when a hand was placed on my shoulder. I was about to shout when I turned and show Gareth's face.
- Shhh.
He said kissing my lips gently. I kissed him back. We were kissing for some minutes without the intention of stopping.
- I missed you.
- Since yesterday ?
I asked wanting to tease him.
- Yes since I woke up in the morning and knew that I had to go to the practise. Come in.
He grabbed my hand and we headed to Nicki's room. He closed the door behind us and started kissing me again.
- Wait...
I said while kissing him.
- How did you come here ?
- Not the right time for explanation baby.
He said kissing me aggressively and pulling my hair.
- Seriously Gareth you have to take Zidane's instructions more seriously.
I said while kissing him back and laughing.
- Okay so what ?
He asked paying attention to me and looking me into my eyes.
- How did you get here ?
I asked him. He looked at the window and I saw it. They had put some stairs to the balcony.
- You did that ?
I asked not knowing what else to say.
- Toni helped.....
He said pointing out his balcony across ours.
- That's dangerous. What if you get hurt ?
I asked kissing him.
- What if ?
He asked smiling.
- I don't get you sometimes Gareth.
I said laying at Nicki's bed.
- I don't get you Jane. How come that you came earlier than expected ?
He asked looking at me.
- Aren't you happy with that ?
- It's not why I am asking. I hope ypur father haven't just gave your ticket to Akon's father.
- Actually he did.
I said not able to look at him.
- I was sure about it. Your dad can do anything just for bussiness right ?
- Yes... I'm lucky that one of Sara's sisters couldn't make it.
- Yes you are and I'm lucky as well.
- You ? What makes you lucky in this situation ?
I asked looking at him waiting for his answer.
- The fact that you made it here. Cause seriously Jane I don't want to think what would have happened if you couldn't make it. I wouldn't be focused on the match tonight. I can not be focused when you're not here. I can't worry all the time about you .... because I'm afraid... afraid like I'm gonna lose you.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now