Chapter 83

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It was almost ten in the night and Gareth never called me. Maybe he will be with his teammates because of them wanting to spend some time together but I decided to call him so to know in which flight they were so to check in as well.
- Hello baby.
He said answering immediately.
- Hello love. Can you talk ?
- Sure what is it ?
- I just wanted to ask in which flight are you so to check in that too.
- Well, I'll send you that in a text cause I don't remember it and I need to find it again.
- Okay.
I replied and I wanted to ask him where he was but something told me that I wouldn't really like the answer.
- So you're coming....
He said smirking.
- Yes.
- You make me so happy.
- Is it Jane ?
Someone asked but I couldn't recognize the voice.
- Yes.
Gareth responded.
- That's why you act like a sweetheart.
Someone said again and I'm pretty sure it was Aaron.
- Who is it ?
I asked Gareth.
- Aaron.
He said.
- Where are you guys ?
I asked him.
- We are in a bar watching the other semi final. Sorry for not telling you to come but we decided to spend some time together only us.
- And Mia.
Someone screamed again but I couldn't really hear because a lot of voices together screamed goal.
- Is it Mia with you ?
I asked understanding that this was the reason why he didn't inform me because of the psychopath being with them.
- She was hanging around.
- Yes, whatever.
I replied.
- Are you mad ?
He asked and I think he was worried.
- No.
I said and the truth is I wasn't.
- Are you sure ?
- Yes, Gareth have fun. Don't worry about me.
- Okay.
- Who scored ?
I asked.
- France.
- Against who ?
- Germany.
- Okay. See you Gareth. I love you.
- I love you too.

After a while he texted me the flight and I checked in. So that was it we are leaving in two days from now going to Wales. That was unexpected. In less than a month I have already travel to Italy and France and now I'm visiting Wales.....
I uploaded my photo with Gareth on Instagram. I liked the fact that I had decided not to worry about our relationship anymore.

I was tired and I decided to have some sleep. I wondered if Gareth was still in the bar with his teammates.....and with Mia.
I really liked her when I first met her but now I think she's crazy. How can she love Sergio ? I bet that she meant nothing for him. I'm pretty sure that he won't even remember her existence. Not that I cared about them. Of course not. Especially after what Gareth had accussed me of I didn't even wanted to talk to Sergio anymore. But I have to say that Gareth was right. I wasn't acting properly around him if I kept asking about my ex. An ex that I never really liked...... and what have Mia told me that Sergio was in love with me well that proves how crazy she is. Sergio doesn't love anyone except himself and besides he had a relationship now.
By these thoughts I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and after taking a shower, brushing my teeth and having breakfast I checked my phone. Gareth had called me a lot of times. I called him back and he asked me to join him at a concert tonight. Well, it was our last night here let's do something different.
Before me starting to get ready for the concert I packed all my things for tomorrows trip. We were flying in the morning which I think it was a curse. I really wanted to sleep in the morning.
I tried my hardest to be as beautiful as I could. And I think I succeeded because the guy at the reception smiled at me and other two men were looking at me as I headed to Gareth's car.
- Hi.
I said as I walked inside and kiss him.
- Hi. You look great as always.
- Thanks you too.
I replied kissing him once more.
- Because of our last night here we decided to do something all together.
Gareth explained and I looked at him.
- Oh, I thought that it would just be me and you.
I said dissappointed at the thought of Mia being there.
- I'm sorry. I should have told you but the good news are that Mia won't be there since she's working till late tonight.
He said and I wondered if he was able to read my mind.
I laughed.
- What ?
He asked.
- Nothing.
- What Jane you can tell me.
- Nothing it's just that sometimes I wonder if you can read my thoughts.
He was silent for a little and then he responded.
- I can't. But I wish I could.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now