Chapter 63

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- You are free to go Mrs. Smith.
The policeman said.
- Thanks.
I replied not knowing what else should I say.
Chloe was standing in the wall upset. When she saw me she hugged me tightly.
- I'm sorry.
I said while hugging her.
- I'm sorry that I didn't insist more. You don't know Brandon that much. I do I work for him four years now.
- You don't have to apologize Chloe. It's all my fault. I could have been less stubborn.
- That's true.
She said smiling her eyes tired.
- How did you know that you should call the police ?
I asked her while walking toward the exit.
- I waited a long time in my car. I was worried about you. Then you were late and because I know Brandon I was pretty sure that he was up to something. I thought that calling the police was the best thing I could do.
- Thanks a million Chloe. You really saved my life.
- Did you take the money ?
- No they must be somewhere in the cafe.
- Can I ask you something ?
- Sure...
- What did you want the money for ? And don't tell me you needed the money in order to threaten Brandon because I won't believe it.
I looked down. I didn't want to tell her. In fact nobody except my really close people of course doesn't know about my relationship with Gareth.
- I want to visit my boyfriend.
- Oh do you have a boyfriend ?
Chloe asked smiling and it was the most pleasant conversation I had today. I didn't even wanted to remember how Brandon and the other guys screamed when they ended in prison. I remember Kate's face looking at me with her eyes telling me that I destroyed her life and.... omg I had to stop thinking like that. It was not my fault what happened. I had to convince myself about that.
- Yes, I have.
I replied to her question.
- How cute.... and it's a long distance relationship ?
- No. What made you think of that ?
- You said you wanted to visit your boyfriend.
- Yes, uhm he's in France right now. Doing.....bussiness.
- That sounds weird.... And what's hus name ?
- Mrs. Smith ?
I turned to face a policeman.
- Yes ?
- You must be really upset. Do you want to call to someone in order to pick you up from here ?
- There's no need to. I don't want to worry my parents.
- I'm afraid it's too late for that.
Another policeman said and I saw my parents with him.
- Jane!
My mother came hugging me tears running her face.
- I'm so relieved you're okay... A girl named Chloe called us ....
I looked at Chloe.
- I should do something you know....
She apologized and for a moment I felt relieved that our previous conversation about my boyfruend was interrupted.
- Have I known what kind of people worked there I would have never let you worked there....
My father said hugging me as well. Well, apparently Chloe told them the entire story when we were here. At least I don't have to explain.
- Let's leave from here....
My mother said hugging me again.
We went outside and my mother continued talking about what kind of people lived there and blah blah blah....
- Tell me that it's over with them. You won't go at their judge would you ?
- No mum there's no need to.
- Fine is there anything you have to do ?
- Yes, wait a minute.
I went inside searching for Chloe. I need to tell her thank you once more and of course good bye. I wouldn't see her again now. The cafe was closed which reminded me that everyone tomorrow whould know what happened last night. Fortunately my name won't be mentioned anywhere. Or that's what I hope....
But Chloe was nowhere to be found.
She has left. Perhaps I won't see her again.

That night I tried my hardest to sleep but of course it was impossible. I wanted to talk to someone but the only option were my parents. And I didn't want to talk to them. I could call Gareth or Ellen but no.... I'm not that selfish.....
Firstly it was too late for a phone call even to a best friend or a boyfriend and secondly I needed some time to think. Besides what was I suppose to tell them ? They wouldn't believe it.

The next morning I woke up feeling exhausted. Well, I didn't really woke up because I hadn't slept at all last night but I had to go to my classes.
- You don't have to go today.
My mother said looking worried.
- I can't mum. I have to.
- Okay if you say so.
I left immediately and the first thing I did was to buy a newspaper to see if there was something written from what happened yesterday.
And I searched.... and I searched again.
There was nothing! Indeed nothing!
Thanks God! I was saved.... for now.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now