Chapter 65

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I approached Sara and Ellen again thinking about what Chloe has just said. She was teasing me of course which was so cute but how does she know about Gareth ? This was a mystery.
- Who was she ?
Ellen asked her eyes on mine.
- An ex colleague.
I replied.
- And what did she want ?
Ellen asked again being super curious.
- Nothing.
I said and I looked at Sara ready to ask the details for Jame's present again.
Ellen didn't say anything else but it was obvious she wanted to ask.

- Jane someone came for you!
My mother was shouting from downstairs and I went down to see who was it.
- Ellen!
I said hugging her although I had the terrible feeling that she wasn't here for good.
- Hi Jane. Uhm let's go in your bedroom because I want you to give me this dress I have lend you.
She said and I knew that she was up to something. Not because I'm clever but because she hasn't lend me a dress lately.
We walked upstairs and when we went inside my bedroom she locked the door.
- What happened to the cafe you worked Jane ?
She asked her eyes burning mine.
- I thought you said they fired you.
She yelled once more.
- And they did fired me.
I answered although I understood that she knew something.
- Why are you lying Jane ? What are you up to ?
She screamed.
- Okay firstly why are you shouting ?
I answered worried.
- That's why.
She said and show me a newspaper she had in her bag.
The newspaper had a picture of the cafe I used to work and of course said everything about the whole thing with the drugs.
- Aren't you going to say something ?
Ellen asked starting to lose her temper.
- I don't know what you think but believe it or not I do have an explanation.
I responded not sure why I should tell Ellen everything that happened.
- I'd like to hear it.
She said sarcastically.
- Well I....
And that was it. Someone was calling me in Skype.
- Don't you dare answer.
Ellen warned me her grey eyes on mine.
- It's Gareth Ellen.
- Does he know about this whole thing ?
- Of course not. How could he ?
- So you have secrets from him too.
Ellen said her tone being sarcastic.
- Just give me a minute to answer to him and then I'll explain everything to you.
I said to her.
And for fuck's sake don't be mad at me!
I thought to myself.
- Gareth hi!
I said looking at Ellen telling her to be quiet. But she just nodded and with a sarcastic tone she left my room.

- Why are you so mad at me ?
I asked her the next day while walking toward the cafe.
- What are all these Jane ? You told me you were fired, then a stranger came and talk to you in privacy and after that I see in every newspaper in the town what happened to the cafe that you work!
- At least they didn't mention my name.
I said relieved. It could be worse!
- You can not imagine how lucky you are that indeed they didn't mention your name. Because you are that selfish that you haven't thought that this whole thing could have an effect on Gareth's carreer.
- What are you talking about ? None besides you don't know about my relationship with Gareth.
- Poor Jane. You have no idea that media know everything about famous' personal lives. That's how they live. Why don't you do a reserach to see yourself what they know and what they don't know about you ?
She left leaving me in shock. What was that now ?
- Jane! I've read what happened to the cafe you work! Tell me that you have nothing to do with that!
Sara said from a distance.
Yes stupid can you say it any louder ?
- Everything's under control Sara! Please just mind your own bussiness.
I said leaving having nothing else to say.
- Ellen!
I shouted running behind her.
- Just can we talk ?
- Only if you explain to me what really happened and why you act so weird.
- I can't really explain Ellen.
- Then I don't want to hear a word from you Jane. We are supposed to be best friends but lately your actions show me the exact opposite! What's the matter with you anyway ?
- Okay I have some problems and some drama going on but I can reassure you that everything will be okay if you give me a chance.
- Then tell me.
- I can't right now.
- Why ?
- Cause I'm leaving.
- What ?
- I'm going to France.
- Why ?
- I got to see Gareth.
- You make me confused.
- I'll explain to you another time.
- No you'll explain me now otherwise I'm going to get so mad at you.
- Sorry Ellen.
I said while leaving.
My intensions were never to hurt you.

Like Im Gonna Lose You( A Gareth Bale Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now