Getting to know Lydia

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 On a bright sunny day in Beacon Hills California one Stiles Stilenski was getting up for school after having a nice dream involving his crush one Lydia Martin. The young man with Brown-Blackish hair and brown eyes got up and got into his shower before washing his body down with his favorite body wash and then washed his hair with shampoo . After cleaning his body Stiles stepped out of the shower and got dressed in a grey t shirt with a blue unbuttoned plaid shirt over it and blue jeans and converse sneakers to complete the outfit , he then made sure he looked good before heading down to the kitchen to find his father was cooking breakfast.

Stiles's mother had died when he was young and he lived with his father who was the sheriff of the town and he loved his father but occasionally missed his mother and wished she was alive again but he didn't allow himself to dwell on those matters as he accepted a plate of eggs bacon and toast which he chowed down on as he sat down at the table. The teen finished his food and checked his phone for the time and gave his father a man hug before heading out the door to his Jeep which he named Roscoe. The vehicle started up nicely and Stiles drove to his best friend's house where the teen in particular Scott McCall was waiting for him on his driveway.

Scott had brown hair and a friendly grin on his face as they fist bumped their hands together and Scott got into the passenger seat in the front before Stiles drove the two of them to their high school. Stiles parked in his usual spot and as they got out he noticed Lydia and her boyfriend Jackson Whitmore making out which made Stiles a little uncomfortable as he still had a decent amount of romantic feelings for Lydia and didn't like watching he make out with another dude who wasn't him. Lydia turned her head and noticed Stiles as he walked past her and she got a confused look on her face as if she was thinking about something that was shocking to her . Lydia had strawberry blonde hair and green eyes which made her even more beautiful in Stiles's eyes .

 Lydia separated from Jackson and they went to their lockers where she noticed Stiles again but didn't think of it too much as she went to her first class. The day went by and both stiles and Lydia found themselves in the same class they had together which was Economics taught by the coach of the lacrosse team which both Stiles and Scott played on. Lydia sat down and opened her book before turning around and noticing Stiles and Scott talking to each other and this caused Lydia to start thinking that Stiles was kind of cute . The class went by quickly and Lydia got up before taking a deep breath and walking over to Stiles and asking him " you want to sit with me at lunch?'

Stiles looked around for a minutes before accepting which made Lydia smiled for a minute. They went their separate ways and Lydia sat down at a private table before opening the salad she had bought at the lunch line. Stiles sat down across from her and she smiled gently at him before taking a deep breath and starting to say to him " I want to apologize for how i treated you over the years since third grade and i also wanted to know if you wanted to be friends with me? since you seem like a good friend and guy. I want to get to know you a little more and vice versa"

Stiles looked shocked but nodded with a grateful look for her apology and held out his hand before replying to her statement " My name is Stiles Stilenski " and Lydia smiled before shaking his hand which felt rough in her soft hand and saying " I'm Lydia Martin' and they ate their food while talking to each other and ignoring people looking in shock at the two of them. The period was over and they went to their classes while unable to stop thinking about each other but unfortunately Jackson found out and got annoyed at this so when the team was in the locker room getting changed Jackson demanded to know why Lydia was talking to Stiles and Scott tried to intervene

Stiles told him to butt out and he confronted Jackson to tell him to stop acting like a idiot and to let Lydia be friends with who she wants to or to mind his own business or they'll have to go to blows with each other. Jackson scoffed and left to go to the field and Stiles snorted before getting his stick and helmet before leading Scott to the field too. Lydia stood on the bleachers to support both boys and she smiled as Stiles waved to her and she waved back before settling in to watch the team practice. The practice went by quickly and Stiles went to say hi to Lydia who told him he was doing a great job and to ignore Jackson who needed to be told to shut up .

At the end of practice Stiles was finished getting changed and asked Scott if he needed a ride which he accepted and the two of them went to the parking lot where they found Stiles' s s jeep and got inside before Stiles pulled out and waved to Lydia who smiled at him and came up to his window carrying a piece of paper. She put it in his hand before telling him it was her number and email so he could get to contact her if he wanted to and it made him smile before telling her he would send her his info when he was home . they smiled before Stiles went to drop off Scott at his house and then went home. He dropped his bag in his room before meeting up with his dad and giving him the good news about him and Lydia .

This made the Sheriff smile before reminding Stiles that they were having pizza for dinner and Stiles smiled before going to do his homework . Once it was done Stiles went to eat his pieces of pizza and chat with his dad before heading to his room where he opened his email account and added Lydia to his contacts and then emailed his info to her before spending the next couple of hours texting Scott who wanted to know what they were talking about at the parking lot . They texted for a few more minutes before Stiles went to take a shower and then go to bed . 

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