Date and becoming a couple

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 The days went by quickly as Stiles and Lydia spent more time together getting to know each other and unintentionally increasing the feelings that they had for each other. They were doing different things such as seeing new and different films or going to different parts of the town of Beacon Hills and exploring them to see if there were anything fun to do when they were bored. Stiles was truthful when he said to Scott one morning at school that he was falling hard for Lydia now that he saw what a great person she was and he hoped that she hzd some kind of feelings for him now that they were being great friends.

Scott replied that he should do something special to see if she likes him as much as he likes her and Stiles agreed so he mad arrangements to take her to this fancy restaurant that they both liked to go to on special occasions so he got himself a good suit and after school one day he leaned against the locker next to Lydia's while Lydia was at hers and told her that he had something special for her and this made her very interested in what he had to offer. He finished the conversation by kissing her nose like he kept doing .

What Stiles didn't know is she was hoping to do something to show him that she truly liked him and wanted to be more than friends but they both didn't know that they would have their special moments happen during the same day, on the day of the date Stiles was waiting outside Lydia's house where he was wearing the suit he had bought and it fit him good he looked up and saw Lydia in a gorgeous silver dress that went down to her legs and her hair was pouring down her back in Strawberry Gold waves with a dash of makeup on her face and perfume on her body.

She smiled happily at him and thanked him for suggesting to get fancy for this event and he took her hand and led Lydia to the Jeep where they were soon at the restaurant. He opened his door and then helped Lydia out of her seat and they went into the lobby where the host found their reservation and they got their seats. Their waiter who was one of Lydia's good friends came over and friendly greeted them before taking their drink orders before going to put them into the kitchen. The waiter was also smiling at how cute the couple was and hoped they got together.

Lydia smiled fondly at Stiles who grinned back at her and he caressed her cheek which made her giggle and she squeezed his hand that was on her cheek before they discussed different topics of conversation like their favorite classes and movies so far before Lydia asked Stiles why he did all this for her . Stiles took a deep breath before revealing he did this to make her happy and to prove something to her that he truly liked her for her cause he seen the parts of her she tried to hide and now that he's friends with her he can see the true Lydia and not the false one that was with Jackson.

This made Lydia's eyes light up with tears of amazement and joy at having someone truly special in her life and as she was going to go to the bathroom she leaned his head back and kissed his cheek while whispering t"Thank You" . Stiles smiled at her before she walked into the restroom and rubbed his cheek even though she kissed his cheek before this felt more special cause it was one fo admiration and a possible love for him. Lydia came back a few moments later and she was still smiling at him and cupped her hands under her chin to look at him as their food came .

They gave each other little bits of their food as they chatted about what they hoped to do for their possible jobs in the future. Stiles wanted to possibly be a police officer like his dad or be a detective while Lydia wanted to be a teacher or something else if she didn't fancy that type of job . They both told each other that they would support the other person's dreams before they finished their food and ordered dessert which came quickly and it was delicious . They paid after finishing the dessert and left to go to Lydia's house where she asked if he wanted something to drink and Stiles politely accepted a coke before they sat down on the couch .

Lydia got a wicked gleam in her eyes and straddled Stiles's lap before pulling her hands to his cheeks and locking her lips to his as his eyes widened before he deepened the kiss by putting his hands on her waist. The kiss was sweet and loving as both teens melted into it and once they broke apart Stiles smiled at Lydia as they placed their foreheads together and said in a loving tone ":Hi" and she smiled back before replying " Hi to you too" They walked to Stiles car and Stiles asked if they were now a couple which Lydia smiled at him and nodded happily before kissing him again .

Stiles fist pumped before he got into the vehicle and Lydia giggled to herself as she wrapped her arms around herself and went into the house while Stiles drove home with a smile on his face that his father saw and was happy for his son. both teens went to bed and dreamed of a Strawberry Blonde haired and green eyed female and a Brown Eyed and black haired young man. 

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