Furthering friendship and sparks of possible romance

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 Stiles was eating breakfast the next morning while he texted Lydia who was answering him with happy text messages that suggested that him texting her was making her happy and he felt like he had another friend aside from Scott. Lydia told him in one of her recent messages that she didn't have any real friends and so she felt like they were developing a true friendship which he responded with that he felt the same way., They agreed to meet at their lockers before heading to their classes and Lydia had a question she wanted to ask him in private which he was OK with.

Stiles put his phone in his pocket before heading for his jeep which was right outside the garage and he put his bag in the side before driving to get Scott for the trip to the school. Scott sat in the passenger seat and questioned Stiles on the friendship between him and Lydia which he supported 100% , Stiles told him that it was going good and they might be headed for a true friendship which Scott smiled at and hoped that Stiles had fun getting to know Lydia . They got out of the car after Stiles parked the car and Lydia smiled at him as she walked up to him and squeezed his hand before asking him if he could walk her to her locker .

This question made Stiles blush and Scott grin at the implications of his best friend having some alone time with the girl of his dreams. Stiles nodded and the two teens left to go to Lydia's locker where she turned to him and asked if he knew any good books she should read , he thought for a minute before responding with some books he read in his spare time that she should read and this made her smile happily at him. She then told him she was thinking of breaking up with Jackson which made him confused and she promised to tell him more at Lunch.

The teens left for their classes which went by quickly and they were soon in Economics where Lydia was sitting right next to Stiles and he was looking at anything but her and this made her giggle. Scott was talking to the new girl who Lydia had befriended the day before named Alison who seemed to like Scott and Stiles hoped that his best friend could find potential happiness with her . The class was working on the assignment for the class and they were allowed to work with a partner so Stiles looked over at Lydia and asked " would you like to be my partner my fair lady?" and she giggled before smiling warmly at him and replied " why i would love to help you my good sir" .

The two teens put their heads together to work on the assignment which Scott and Alison noticed and smirked at since they could see there were some sparks between each other. they handed it in before the bell rang and Stiles went to the rest of his classes . Once the final bell rang Stiles grabbed his lacrosse gear before stopping at Lydia;s locker and after squeezing her hand asked her " you going to watch practice in a few minutes?" Lydia smiled before squeezing his hand gently and replying " of course i'm going to support my new friends plus now that i'm going to not be with Jackson i can let myself show the real me and have real friends."

Stiles looked stunned before asking him to walk with him to the gym and as they walked he responded to her announcement that she was going to break up with Jackson " you want to break up with him , are you not happy anymore?" Lydia nodded and told him that she was tired of being with someone who didn't care about her in a true and loving manner. She also told him that she wanted to find someone who liked her for her and as she left to go to the cafeteria to get some food she kissed his cheek before telling him to kick butt .

Stiles smiled and went to get changed in the locker room where he ignored Jackson and got changed into his gear along with Scott right next to him. The two teens were soon on the field and they focused on the practice as they had a game coming up and they needed to be involved that day. The practice went by quickly with both Scott and Stiles doing great and the coach being impressed with how they grown. Jackson was annoyed by this and tried to show them up but failed big time . He growled at the two of them and looked to see Lydia smiling at Stiles which drove him angrier.

The team went off the field to the locker room to change into their clothes before Stiles met up with Lydia and offered her a ride which she accepted and complimented his skill as a lacrosse player . Stiles opened Lydia's door before helping her and Scott into the Jeep and they put their seat belts on before Stiles put the car in drive and drove to Lydia's house where he walked with her to her door before she kissed his cheek and told him she truly enjoyed getting to know him and that she hopes to continue their friendship . Stiles smiled before giving her a hug and going back to his Jeep.

Once he got home Stiles worked on his homework before seeing what his dad was making for dinner which was Spaghetti and Stiles told him to call him for dinner when it was ready before sitting in his desk chair and texting Lydia who immediately answered as he had asked her how her meeting with Jackson went . She told him Jackson was making her annoyed with his jealousy and she told him it was over as she wanted to be friends with people and have true bonds and this made him angry, Lydia then asked him if she could wear his jersey during the school day before the first game coming up which stunned Stiles but he recovered fast enough to say that she was always allowed to wear it which made her smile .

They kept texting until dinner and Stiles went down to the dinner table where h ate his food before going to work on any other homework before going back to his conversation with Lydia until he took his shower and then before going to bed he told her he'd give her his jersey before they got to school. 

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