Stiles and Lydia and their friends going to the club

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 Lydia was on the couch of the upper part of the club that she and her friends went to from time to time and she was currently reading her boyfriend's notebooks full of his story ideas and the websites that had his more recent and darker ideas while she sipped on her drink that the bartender who was a good friend of her and her friends gave her and as she put it on the table in front of her she put the laptop on sleep before going to use the restroom and then go home for some relaxation and some sleep since she was pretty tired . She drove home before parking the car and then collapsing onto the bed before falling asleep for the next hour or so since it was pretty early in the morning since they had no school that day and also cause it was the weekend .

She got up and made some pancakes and bacon for herself and made sure to bring some over to her boyfriend's house in case he wanted some since she was going over there to see if he wanted to go see a movie or something so she put some of the food in the bag she had taken out of the cabinet before she drove to Stile's front door and rang the doorbell before his dad answered the door and with a smile on his face he let her in and told him that Stiles was in the new workout room he had designed which was technically one of the two guest rooms but no one used it .

So John let him use it which made her smile before she found him working out on the bench with some weights on it and he was shirtless which showed his six pack and muscles off which made her drool and she got herself together before she walked over to him and kissed him while dragging her hand down his chest and feeling the hard muscles before giving him the bag of food . He took it from her before putting on some cologne and then put his shirt on that was laying on the bench next to them before the two teens then went to the kitchen and had the food get heated up before Stiles pulled his girlfriend to his lap .

She smiled before rubbing his nose in her hair which made her giggle and they sat like that while the food was being heated up till the food was done . Juliet got up and brought the food to him before he offered some to her but she was OK with him eating it and he shrugged before he dug into the food while she checked her phone for any new emails or messages and heard one from Liam asking if she and Stiles wanted to go to the club that night .

After showing it to Stiles she asked her boyfriend if they wanted to go which he nodded and said that it sounded good to him and she sent a text back saying they would meet them there . They then got off the table seats before going to take a walk for the next few minutes before it was time for Lydia to go home and she went to her house after kissing her lover on the lips and she drove home before going to take a shower and then get dressed for the club since they would be going to dinner as well as a group .

So she then put on a white spaghetti strap tank top and blue jeans with her high heels that she loved to wear at times before making her hair look wavy at the end and with some sweet and sexy perfume on her body before she then ate some food before heading over to Scott's house. They drove to the diner before sitting down and eating their food once it was brought to them before paying for it and heading to the club . They stood in line before showing their ids and were allowed in .

They walked into the area before they got drinks with their friends next to them and they sat down on the stools while drinking them before Stiles and the other guys got up and led their girls to the dance floor and for the rest of the next couple of hours danced for their hearts content before they got tired and drove home . Stiles got home before taking his shower and then getting dressed into his night clothes then he went to the den to hang out.

He was then playing some Xbox for the next few minutes before he saved his data and then went to do some more writing for the next couple of hours before he decided to go to bed due to having school the next day .

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