Getting their suits for the dance

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 Stiles was headed to his first class that day since the previous couple of days had gone by already and so he wanted to enjoy his day so far and as he sat down in hie class he pulled out the stuff he needed for the class before the classes was soon over and so Stiles was now sitting down in his seat in the cafeteria while he ate his food and reading his notes for a quiz he had in English the next day and once it was soon time to go he then put his food away before going to his next set of classes until the day was over. Stiles was then driving to his house before he then put his stuff down and then got dressed before calling up his friends and seeing if they wanted to drive to the mall to get their suits for the dance that was coming up .

So they agreed before they all drove to the mall before they were soon in the store that sold suits . Stiles was waiting for his friends that were getting their suits and once they were done they came out and then Stiles headed to the dressing room to try on the suit which fitted him good so he paid for the suit before they then headed to the food court for some food and they sat down at the table before eating the sandwiches they chose to get for their meal .

So once they were done they headed to the car before they then drove home and then Stiles put his new clothes in the closet before going to watch some movies for the next amount of moments. He sat down after putting some of his new movies in the living room before he turned on the movie he put in the player before he was soon asleep due to being tired before he got up and then got dressed before he drove to work. He would sometimes go to work due to wanting new money .

He was going to his job since he wanted to get some cash in his bank so he pulled into the parking lot and signed in before starting to work for the next few minutes. He worked for the time being before his break time was in front of him on his phone so he signed out before he went over to the coffee shop and ordered his drink before sitting down and drinking it while he read his email for the time until he went back and signed back in. He then worked for the rest of his break .

The work time was soon over and Stiles drove home before sitting down and playing some Xbox for the time before dinner time . He turned on the system before he put in Dishonored before selecting his story mode and then choosing a level before playing for the next amount of time before he selected the brawl mode and won several rounds before he signed out of his system before logging onto his Laptop .

Then at that time he was doing some new amount of writing for a while before saving it and then going to see what was going to be there for dinner. He went upstairs and saw thee was soup and sandwiches before sitting down and sipping some of the soup and finding it to be really good for the night. He finished eating his sandwich and soup before washing his dishes and then going to see what Lydia was doing for the next hour . He walked to her house before he saw her sitting by the porch and he kissed her before they went to the den.

Then they sat down and watched some movies while they talked about their days in hushed voices for a while before Stiles asked if she wanted to go out for ice cream . Lydia happily agreed before they drove to the ice cream parlor before sitting down with two cups of ice cream and they enjoyed their dessert while they talked about different things before they were eventually done . They threw out their cups before they left the parlor and went back to the car .

Stiles held his girlfriend's hand and led her to the car before they drove around for a while before coming back home .Stiles dropped his girl back at her house before going into his own house for the night . He did his usual routine for the night before washing up and getting dressed then he went to bed due to being tired.  

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