Working out and then going to the mall

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 As the lyrics to Set It Off's "Want" were playing in the jeep Stiles was thinking of different things while he was also driving from the morning shift at the bookstore since he wanted to spend some time at his house before he went to the gym for his workout and then to go to the mall and purchase a few things he wanted for his room from a couple of stores he liked to go to so he pulled into the driveway and stopped in his usual spot before getting out and locking the car then headed into the house before he got changed into his workout clothes and ate some cereal and milk before heading over to the gym where he signed in before starting his workout with the machines for the first time then he would move on to the weights for a while before doing the machines again till he was done.

Once he was done with the machines Stiles then headed to the weights before using them for the time being as he lifted them and did twenty reps for each one before putting them down and doing his reps with the machines for the second time until he was finished then he got showered and drove home where he got changed and made himself some food for consumption before watching some Netflix for the next few minutes and he was in the middle of a good part when he saw his dad and mom about to go out for the rest of the day so he told them he would see them later before they left and Stiles finished the TV shows before going to the den .

Stiles was now playing some Xbox for the next few moments before he was then logging onto his computer and checking his emails . They were not that many and so he checked them out before deleting the ones he didn't need or want anymore before doing some writing for the next few minutes before closing the laptop and then going to make some food for himself which was some pasta and sauce from a container and he sat down and watched some TV on Netflix for the next amount of time before he was eventually done and he put the food away . After doing that Stiles walked outside before walking around .

He then went to take a walk for the current amount of time as the weather was nice out so Stiles walked through the neighborhood before coming back home and then playing some more Xbox for the next few minutes before going to his room to take a nap before it would be tome for dinner. Stiles got out of the bed after taking his nap and then grabbed his keys before driving to Scott's house where he found his friend playing some Call of Duty and he was asked if he wanted to play so the young men started to play against each other for the next few minutes until they both won a couple of matches .

They were soon walking to the living room and watching some Netflix as they were bored and wanted to do something different for the time being. Stiles found most of the shows interesting but didn't like the more boring shows so he tuned them out from his vision before he decided to go back home and he fist bumped Scott who told him he would text him later before Stiles then drove back home and found his dad with a box of fried chicken on the table along with different sides . He looked hungry and walked to his bedroom before putting his phone on the bedroom table and fell onto the bed.

Stiles smiled before going to take another nap for the next hour before he got up and washed his hands and face before going to sit down and the food was dished out which Stiles got a big piece of the chicken and some of the sides like the mashed potatoes and corn before the two men dug into the food for the next minutes, Stiles was soon done and he left the table after washing his hands and plate before going to the TV downstairs and watched some TV for the time being. He was on the couch with some candy from the bag in his room which still tasted good to him.

Once he was sitting on the couch the teen then let his attention to go straight to the tv as Supernatural was playing and the episode which was the mid season finale of the ninth season was one of his favorites so he didn't get up but only to use the bathroom . Once he was done with his shows Stiles then played some Xbox for the time being until he was done then he went to log onto his laptop and checked his emails before sending some new ones.

Then he did some writing before going to shower and then go get dressed before coming to the den and watching some more Blu Rays for the next hour before going to bed.

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