Final week of may for Beacon Hills

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 The final week of May came around and Stiles along with his friends and girlfriend were working on both their school and homework while studying for their exams and also working on their jobs and keeping their lives full of fun as well . Stiles got up the current morning and got showered and dressed in his usual plaid shirt and blue jeans with sneakers on before driving himself to the kitchen and making a breakfast sandwich before sitting down and reading a magazine while digging into the meal and once he was done Stiles threw the trash away before grabbing his books and walked to the Jeep before pulling into the Martin's driveway and together with his girlfriend he drove to the school .

Then they were parking the car and then headed to the lockers and then the classes for the next few hours of the day since it was the first few hours of the school day and so they wanted to keep their grades up . Stiles was currently working on a test for his current class before the bell rang and as he handed it in he took out his notebook and read over his notes for the final exam along with the study guide for all the classes he had exams in and once the bell rang Connor drove himself to the lunchroom before sitting down and eating his food while working on his notes for a test he had for his next class after his lunch period .

As he finished eating his meal he threw the trash away before putting his books away and then went to use the restroom for a while . Once coming back to the lunchroom Stiles grabbed his books before he walked to his classroom for the next class and sat down before working on his test after the teacher put it down on his desk and after the test was over Stiles read his book for his English class until the bell rang with Stiles walking to his next few classes and the day was soon over while Scott and Stiles were soon playing some video games in the Stilinski's house for a while before Stiles had to get ready for work .

So he changed into his uniform before driving to the Bookstore where he signed in and began to work for the next few hours. He then went on his break before going to sit down with his sandwich and drink and checked his emails before reading some cool new stories and once he was done Stiles drove himself into his work before signing out and then went to the coffee shop and ordered his usual coffee before also ordering Lydia's coffee and then sat down at her kitchen table before they sipped their drinks and talked about their days.

After drinking their drinks they were soon driving to the mall before sitting down while Lydia tried on new clothes and Stiles checked her out for his private pleasure and Lydia saw this and smirked before she paid for her clothes and then the teens walked to the smoothie place before buying their drinks and then walked around before heading home since Stiles didn't really buy anything but he was there to support Lydia if she needed it . Once they were home Stiles drove home before texting his girlfriend and showing her the muscles he had gained from working out .

This made her smile in lust at this before he then went to play some PS3 for a while . After this Stiles walked to the Laptop before checking his emails and reviews while sending some new ones and deleting the old ones he didn't read before writing for some time before saving it and then headed to the kitchen to see what was for dinner. He saw there was burgers and chips before sitting down and making his own burger before eating it and then making his second one before digging into it while John looked in amazement at his son's ability to eat a lot .

Once they were done Stiles walked to the den before he turned on his Xbox and played some games for a while before turned on his Blu Ray Player and watched some movies for a while before going to work on any homework he had for the day. Once the work was done Stiles checked his writing before finishing it and uploaded it before going to take his shower and then go to get dressed .

He then went to eat a small snack before going to the bedroom and listened to some music before going to sleep due to being tired and exhausted. 

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