Doing different things before spending time with Lydia

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 Stiles woke Lydia up the next morning and she got up before pulling her previous day's clothes before kissing her boyfriend's lips and they drove to her house before she got out and telling him she;d text him later that day and he nodded before heading home where he got changed and began to work out for the day since he wanted to keep working out to keep his body fit and his mind clear and so he kept his daily workouts going before he ran the whole way down the neighborhood before going back to whee his water bottle and food bars were and he drank some water before he ate some of the bars and then did one more lap before he took his shower and got dressed in his usual plaid shirt and jeans with his sneakers to complete the look before he made eggs and bacon with toast and jam to complete it.

He sat down before eating and reading some article on his Laptop which sat on the table before he closed it to keep the battery strong. he washed his dishes before taking a drink of his juice and grabbing his keys before jumping into his jeep and calling his best friend to see if he wanted to do something which Scott told him he had to work for the day and Stiles was OK with this so he drove around before he got a call asking him to work for the day from his boss which he was OK with and drove home before he got dressed in his shirt and tag and drove to work before parking the car then he walked into the store and signed in before going to work for the next few minutes.

The work day went by quickly before Stiles soon went on his break with the teen heading for the sandwich shop and he sat down before buying a sandwich and a drink and sitting down back in his seat to eat his food and then read the new articles on his phone's browser due to him having the WiFi and not having to pay for it . Stiles finished eating the sandwich before drinking the rest of the drink and then heading back to work for the rest of his shift. Stiles finished up his shift and then signed out before he went to his car and drove home to the house where he saw his dad was home so he went inside and found his dad eating some food while reading his newspaper .

As the teen greeted his father John replied back with a happy "Hi" and watched as Stiles made a sandwich of turkey and cheese with tomato on it and some mustard on the bread .The teen was sitting down and eating while he talked to his father and asked about his day so far . John told him he was good and unfortunately asked his son if he was being safe with his and Lydia's intimate sessions and Stiles coughed before replying that the sessions were 100% safe as they bought several boxes of the items and they kept checking that they had them when they were about to start which made John proud and happy that he would not be a grandfather yet.

Stiles then finished his food before going to take a nap for a while until he would do something else to entertain his mind so he put his phone on alarm before he collapsed on the bed in his room before going to sleep for the next hour. He dreamed about different things before waking up and seeing he had several calls from Lydia and he answered her newest one before asking her what was up and she asked if he wanted to hang at her house which he was happy to do so he got ready before he headed over to his car and drove to her house. The drive was nice and he listened to his music before getting there.

He parked the car and got out before locking the car and rang the doorbell which Lydia answered and she kissed him before she allowed him in and they kissed for a few minutes before she brought him up to her room where they laid on the bed and she smiled at him as he played with her hair for the next few seconds. They stayed like that for a while before he got up and pushed Lydia down on the bed before he kissed her neck and made her groan in pleasure before she flipped him over and they made out for the next hour until they were done then they went to get some food from the fridge.

They made a frozen pizza which they put some slices on the plates before sitting down and eating it while watching TV . They watched some Supernatural which was on and they relaxed for the next few minutes as they laid on the couch and watched the show . The show was soon over and the two teens got up before they went to the bedroom where they laid on the bed before they made out with each other for a while as their hands roamed their bodies until they separated and Stiles put his forehead on his girl's forehead before they kissed one last time.

The two teens got up before they got two sodas from the fridge and sat down by the kitchen table and sipped their drinks while relaxing to the silence in the house. A few hours later Stiles asked his girl if she wanted to stay at his house for the night and she happily agreed so they drove to her house to get her clothes and her essentials before they drove back to the house and got ready for bed before they cuddled in the bed and fell asleep. 

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