date and special time together

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 The next day Stiles got up and did his usual routine before heading for his Jeep and he drove out of the driveway and onto the road before he headed towards Lydia's house where he found her waiting by her steps to her house with her bag and her purse on her arm along with a happy look on her face that reminded him of the dance they shared at the party the previous day. Lydia got into the passenger seat and the teens drove to the school where they put the car in the usual spot before getting out and then locking the car while making sure they had their stuff before heading for the lockers to get what they needed for their classes,

Stiles grabbed his books before closing the door and kissing Lydia who had her own boks and was waiting for him to walk with her to her class and they did just that . Stiles watched as Lydia walked into her classroom before heading for his won class where he sits down in his seat while getting the work out from the previous day to hand it in before he then worked on the work for the current day. The classes went by quickly till Stiles and Lydia were in their lunch period and had put thehr books down before getting their food and after paying for it they sat down and discussed the dance and what they liked about it and what they didn't like .

Stiles admitted he liked the dancing when it was between the two of them cause it made it special which made Lydia smile with joy at hearing that and admitted that she enjoyed it too since it was between the man she truly liked even though she wanted to say love . The rest fo the period went by and the two teens threw out their food before the bell rang and Stiles left for his final classes while Lydia did the same thing . The rest of the day went by and Stiles was now in the locker room getting ready for practice with Scott right next to him getting his own gear on .

They finished with that before heading for the field and meeting up with the team before they started their last week of practice sine the season would be over after the next game. The team began their practice with their warm ups before doing their scrimmage against the other players for the rest of the practice while in the bleachers Lydia and Alison came to watch as always. The practice was over in a few minutes so the team went back to the locker room to get ready to go and Stiles was now exiting the locker room with Scott by hid side . Scott looked at his best friend and asked him if he could tell him something personal and Stiles nodded while giving him a raised eyebrow.

The teen took a deep breath and said " me and Allison had our first time the previous night after the dance " .this made Stiles proud of his best friend but he was also worried about the consequences for Scott's actions and Scott knew this too as he told Stiles he had used protection . The two men met their ladies and Stiles kissed Lydia's hand before they went to the vehicles and met up at the diner where Lydia pulled Stiles to a private seat and asked him if she could talk to him on their date that night and Stiles nodded while grinning at her in a warm and loving way.

They sat with their friends and ordered their drinks and food since they knew what they were getting before talking about the new topics of discussion. They talked about many things as their food and drinks came and they chowed down before they moved their conversation to the dance and what they had fun with during the night. Scott and Alison couldn't stop saying that their friends were a cute couple which made them blush yet feel happy at the same time. The four teens finished their food before paying and heading to Stile's house where they watched movies before the other couple had to leave for heading home .

Stiles and Lydia worked on their homework before Lydia went home to get ready for their date. Stiles went to his room before he put on a dash of cologne and then got a nice black dress shirt and some black dress pants along with his dress shoes before putting them on and then going to check himself out in the mirror before heading to his car and going to meet with his girl who was waiting by the steps wearing a red dress and shoes along with some perfume on before they kissed and he opened her door. The young man helped his girlfriend into the vehicle before they drove to the restaurant that they had reservations at.

Stiles helped his girlfriend out of her seat before they went into the restaurant and they were shown their seats which they sat down at and began to look at the menus before choosing their food and drinks. The waitress came to their table and took their orders before going to put their orders into the kitchen. Stiles gazed at his girl who smiled at him and they squeezed each other's hand before they started to chat about different things until their drinks came and they gave their orders to their waitress who brought the orders to the kitchen .

Stiles ordered spaghetti and meatballs while Lydia ordered a steak with mashed potatoes and gravy on the side since she had a craving for meat that night. The food came a few minutes later which they were happy for and they dug into the food .They gave a little bit to the other person while eating the food until they were finished with their food to which they then paid for the meal and left to go to Stiles's house where his dad was working at the station for the night so they had the night for themselves. They got settled in the living room before they watched a movie for a few minutes before they got hungry for each other and they went up to his room .

Stiles closed the door with his foot cause he was kissing Lydia with one hand on her waist while her hands were roaming his chest before they fell onto the bed .Stiles looked into Lydia's eyes and asked her if she was ready which she told him that she never been more ready with a loving look on her face and they began the dance of love and sharing their feelings for each other and this kept going until they fell asleep with smiles on their faces but Stiles was awake enough to kiss her softly and whisper that he loved her to her face which made Lydia smile happily and she told him that she loved him too before kissing him back. 

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