Stiles and friends about to graduate soon

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 The next few days came and Stiles was now entering the final day of that week before he would be entering the week where he worked on his exams before graduating and so he stood in the shower before pouring some shampoo on his hair before washing it and then washing his body for the next few minutes and then got his body dosed with some cologne before putting on his red plaid shirt over a black v neck and then blue jeans with sneakers before adding his usual accessories and then sitting down before eating some eggs and toast and making sure he had his books and work stuff which he would get before going to work that afternoon and so he headed to his car before driving to the school where he parked.

He then went to his locker while listening to his music that was playing in his ears .He then was grabbing his books and then talked to his girlfriend about going to the mall for some purchasing of some new things and then spending time in the food court which made the auburn haired beauty happy and she agreed before the bell rang . Stiles and Lydia headed to their classes and the raven haired teen sat down before the class began and the day went on for the next few hours . Stiles was soon sitting down with his food and reading from a book in the cafeteria for the rest of his lunch period when he was asked to come to his Math teacher's room to retake a test due to being somewhere that he needed to be during one of the last weeks.

So he sat down before doing the test . He was soon done and went back to the lunchroom before finishing his food and went to his next classes when the bell rang before going home and working on his homework before going to work for the day. He put on his shirt before driving to the bookstore and sat down in the coffee shop while eating a cookie for the time being and once it was time for work he got up before walking to the bookstore and signing in before starting to work for the next few hours .

He did his usual work routine which was helping out people with what they wanted or need and putting books away while helping out at the register until it was time for his break and so he signed out before walking to the sandwich shop and picked up his sandwich and drink before sitting down and reading his emails while eating his food for the time being.He put in his earbuds and listened to his music for the last part of the break before heading to the job and finishing up his shift before purchasing some new books and then going back home.

Once he was home he took a seat by the couch and watched some Game Of Thrones for a while and then he got up before making some popcorn and watching some Maze Runner for the next hour after taking out the season 1 disk of Game of Thrones and putting it back in the case . Stiles then got up before walking to his game systems and turning on the PS3 before playing some Saints Row 4 for the next amount of time while checking his reviews on his phone and as he killed some aliens he made sure to keep upgrading his character before going to his Laptop and checking his emails for a few minutes.

He then went to check his writing before doing a new chapter for the next few minutes before going to see what was being made for dinner which was burgers and fries so he went to wash his hands before he sat down and the burgers were placed on the plates before Stiles's dad sat down and they began to eat their food. Once Stiles was done with his food he went to get more before sitting back down and eating his second burger before he was done and threw the trash out before going to the den .

Stiles then got ready before driving to the mall after picking up Lydia and they went to look around before finding what they wanted to get with Stiles buying new guidebooks to the Game of Thrones universe and Lydia bought some new boots that she had been wanting before they were soon sitting down in the food court with two sandwiches in front of them from Subway.

They ate their food before walking around some more and then going home where Lydia was dropped off and Stiles went to his bathroom before showering and then getting dressed before playing some Xbox for the next hour before going to bed due to being tired. 

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