Working at the job and then working out before relaxing at home

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 The next day Stiles was spending the morning in his job as he was scheduled to work that morning and as he put some of the new books away he saw that it was almost time for his break so he got up before putting the books away and then signing out before going to the sandwich shop where he paid for his food and coffee before sitting down and eating his meal while sipping his drink and reading over his emails before it was soon time to go back . So he signed back in before going to his duties and continued to work for the rest of his shift and when he was done he signed back out before driving to the coffee shop and ordered a new drink before going home where he went to change into new clothes .

Then he was going to get ready for his workout in the afternoon. Stiles and his friends were spending some of the weekends working out and getting in shape so he grabbed his keys and drove to the gym where his best friends were ready for him and they signed in before going to work out for the next two hours . He used the weights for a while before he then went over to the pull up bar and lifted himself up before doing twenty reps for the next few minutes Once he was done Stiles then went to sit down before using the bar and lifted it before putting it down after doing twenty reps.

Then the three teens were done Stiles headed to the locker room before getting showered and dressed before they then drove to the diner and sat down before opening their menus and choosing their meals for the day . The waiter came over to their table and took their meal orders before going to the kitchen and Stiles sipped his drink before he then went to use the bathroom and then came back before checking his emails and then eating some of his burger before the fries were gone into his mouth .

Once the meals were done Stiles and his friends got up before heading to the car and driving home before getting dressed and then going to the mall where they were soon walking around and looking at their favorite stores to see what they wanted to buy. Stiles headed to the bookstore before buying the new books he wanted from the store before going to the clothes store and bought some new clothes before they teens went home . They drove home before stopping at their houses.

Then the other two guys were dropped off and Stiles went home before he parked his car and went into the house . He sat on the couch before he turned on the TV and holding a bag of chips he sat back and watched the new episodes of Supernatural for the next few minutes before he was all caught up with his TV watching and then Stiles headed to the den before playing some Xbox . He turned on the system before he put in Dishonored and played the story mode levels he wanted to play before saving his results .

He then played the Brawl mode where he killed some more enemies before going to his next game which was James Bond Legends where he could play as James Bond and since he liked most of the movies he wanted to get this game . Once he was done Stiles then went to take a short nap before he was going to do anything else and so he fell asleep on the bed before sleeping for the next few minutes before getting up . He walked to the kitchen before seeing what was for dinner.

He was then seeing that there was soup and sandwiches for dinner so he sat down and saw the soup was tomato and so his parents sit down next to home before they dug into the meal. He enjoyed eating the meal before going to his room after washing his dishes and playing some music while reading his books for the next amount of time before going to the den and texting Lydia about the day so far and they had a good conversation before he was asked if he wanted to go over to her house .

He agreed before the two teens were kissing in her room and they separated before they laid on the couch in the living room and listened to some music for a while. Once that was over Stiles then went to the shower to get washed up before going to get dressed before going to have a snack of ice cream and chocolate sauce before he was soon tired and got up before heading to bed. 

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