Thanksgiving for Stiles

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 The next day Stiles was getting dressed in his bedroom before he was going to go out and spend the first part of the day with Lydia and their friends and as he put on his button down shirt over his white v neck he then got his shoes on before he then put on his ring and necklace before going to his car and drove to the mall in the part of the town next to the bookstore and he pulled into the parking lot near the mall before getting out of the car and then met up with his friends before giving his two best friends fist bump before kissing his girlfriend and they then went into the mall before picking their tickets up for the movie they were going to see and then got their food and drinks before sitting down in their chairs in the theater.

Stiles had his left leg around the other one and Lydia was sitting next to him with her head on his shoulder while they watched the film with their friends sitting far from them as the two of them wanted them space to themselves while they watched the film before it was soon over and Stiles helped his girlfriend up before they drove home and Lydia kissed her boyfriend before telling him she would be over at his house with her family in couple of hours later and Stiles drove to his spot in the driveway before getting out and locking it before going inside.

He was then helping his mother put away the new bags of groceries that she had went to get that morning before going to watch some TV for a while in the Den before he texted his friends and asked how the movie was for them with their reply being that they liked it for the most part. Stiles soon fell asleep due to being excited about the day and he was soon woken up by Lydia smiling at him as she laid on his chest for the next few minutes as he woke up from the nap. They went to the kitchen before seeing if they needed any help with the food or anything before they took a walk.

They were walking to make some time go bye faster and as they walked they talked about different things like the movie and other things before coming back home and laying on the couch watching some old episodes of shows they liked. Once it was over they got up and went to help with anything they could before Lydia's family came over and they greeted them cheerfully before the adults got drinks and sat down in the living room to chat and drink . The adults were soon engrossed int their conversations while the two teens wanted to go somewhere else.

The two teens went to grab their own drinks before going to the den and listen to their music on Stile's laptop while talk about their favorite interests for the next few minutes. Scott and his mother along with Alison and her family came over soon and the four teens were soon having a fun time as they loved being together and having a good time . Once they were done with their drinks the two teens then did whatever they wanted until it was dinner time so they went to get washed up before they went to the dinner table and sat down while the food was getting set up .

Then they placed on the table then they all sat down before saying their prayers and then they dug into the food before the two teens got more. They then had several more portions before Stiles got up and then went yo drive to the coffee shop and then ordered the coffees that he and his girlfriend liked before driving home and giving one to her before they sat down and drank them while watching some TV for a while.

Stiles had his head on his girlfriend's shoulder before she moved his head to her lap before they settled back and kept watching the movies for the next few minutes, Once they were done the teens then went to go drive around for some time before Lydia and her family went back home before Stiles then played some Xbox and kept winning his games for the next few minutes before he then logged onto his laptop .

He was then doing some writing for the next amount of time before he then uploaded it and then went to go take his shower and then get dressed before he watched some more movies before he got up and then went to go to bed . 

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