Stiles and Lydia going to dinner and dancing the night away

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 Stiles was in the computer room writing the final part of a paper for one of the classes that needed a great grade for the job that Stiles wanted to do for the next part of his life and as he finished writing down the last part of his paper he printed them out after he saved the writing to his flash drive and then put the paper together before he then put it away and then went to his locker as the bell rang since it was time for lunch and so he put this books away that he had took out for his last couple of classes before grabbing the ones he needed for the next set of classes and then walked to the lunchroom before sitting down and eating his food for the next few minutes till the period was over .

So then Stiles walked to his next couple of classes till they day was over . He had handed in his paper before doing the work they had been given for the class and so he was driving home that afternoon and listening to some of his favorite music before parking the car and going into the house where he got changed into his work outfit and drove to the bookstore where he signed in and got to work. He was then working his shift for the next few hours and once it was time for his self assigned break he signed out before he went to the coffee shop.

He bought a usual drink and sat down while reading his emails before he got up and wet to use the restroom for a few seconds. He then came back and finished up shift after signing back in before he then went over to the coffee shop and ordered his usual drink again before purchasing two cookies for him and Lydia who he was going to see if she wanted to go out for dinner that night . Stiles called Lydia and asked if she wanted to go to dinner and dancing that night since he had nothing else to do for the night.

Lydia looked at her schedule before replying in a positive sounding voice that she could go out that night so they both made plans for dinner and to the club that night. Stiles hung up and drove to the library before working on his papers for any of his other classes for the next hour before he saved his work on his flash drive and then driving to the house where he parked outside and then went to the den.

Then he played some games on his Xbox and ate some chips with dip in the side before he was done and then he saved his data before he watched some TV for a while. before doing some new amount of writing for the next few minutes till it was time for getting ready for going out to dinner. He went to his bedroom in his house before he checked himself in the bedroom mirror before adding some cologne to his body and then choosing his clothes.

He put on a dress shirt and good pants before putting on his shoes and then his ring and necklace before picking up Lydia before they drove to the diner and ordered their meals before discussing their days so far. Once the food came they smiled before digging into their food and they gave the other person some of their food for the next few moments before they paid for their meals and drove to the club.

They were let in before they ordered their drinks and then sat down before Lydia laid on her lover as they let the music and atmosphere wash over them and they smiled at each other before relaxing for the next few moments. Once they were done with their drinks Stiles pulled his girlfriend to the dance floor and they dance the night away for the next hours before they went home and Lydia was dropped off at home.

Then Stiles went to get dressed since he got showered before he left the house and then did his usual routine of gaming and logging onto his laptop before going to sleep. 

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