going to school and practice along with work for the day

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 The day after the night at the club Stiles was driving to the school after he did his morning routine and as he drove he was listening to some of his favorite songs on his phone's playlist that he had made for the times that he was driving and as he pulled into the parking lot he then locked the car before getting out and heading to where Lydia was with their best friends and kissed her forehead before he then linked his hands around her waist and they chatted with their friends before they split apart and headed to their classes which went by quickly and Stiles was soon eating his lunch in the lunch room while he read one of his books and did his homework for the easier classes.

As he put the work away he then finished his food before the bell rang with Stiles getting up and putting his books into his hands and went to his next set of classes which just like the first set went by very quickly and before he knew it Stiles was directing himself to the locker room to get changed for practice and he was soon chatting about some movie that he was hoping to see with his girlfriend that weekend while the team was stretching and then beginning to work on their drills for the upcoming game .

He was soon sipping some water before the team was then in one of the classrooms and watching some footage from one of the games that the opposing team they would be facing was playing and Stiles and Scott were being focused so they would gain some insight into how to beat them before they were soon done and they went to work out for the rest of the practice day. The team did their workouts for the rest of the practice session before they then went to the locker room to change and then go home so Stiles got changed before driving to his house .

Once he was home Stiles then got changed into his usual outfit before going to watch some TV for a while before he did anything else as he wanted to calm down and relax before he did anything more important . Once he was done with the tv shows he was watching Stiles got up before going to check to see if his dad was home and once he saw he was sleeping Stiles then went to play some Xbox for the next few minutes . Once he was done the teen then logged onto his laptop before doing some writing for the next few minutes before he saved it and then made plans to write some more later that night.

He then logged onto his emails and then checked them out before going to his Facebook and checked it out as well . Once he was done Stiles went to his room and got changed before driving to work and then he signed in before going to start his shift for the next few hours before it was time for break so he signed out before going to the sandwich shop and ordered his usual sandwich and drink before sitting down and eating the order before it was time for going back to work so he signed back in and then went to finish his shift for the next few hours.

He signed out and drove home where he changed into normal clothes before he went to see what was being made for dinner and saw some soup and sandwiches being made so he sat down and made the sandwiches for himself before devouring his food cause he was hungry. He finished his food before going to get some more food and then ate some more of the sandwiches and soup from the pan that had the soup in it before he was done and then he then washed his dishes before going to the den and watching some tv on the laptop before he logged onto the laptop before he then did some new writing.

He then saved it and then went onto his sites for writing before he then uploaded the chapter he then had finished writing before he then did some checking of the work before h then finished with the uploading before he saved the work and then logged off before he then did some more playing of Gears of War 2 for the next few hours before going to take his shower and then get dressed before going to watch some more movies . Once he was done Stiles went to go to the bedroom before he went to sleep. 

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