Chapter 5 Starts with a Conflict

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//Ayumu POV//

---20 Minutes after Entering the Game---

Ayumu walked through the field. His hands were on his menu screen. So far, all his skills, weapons, and enemies parts are still there. The enemy parts are used to upgrade weapons and health and energy. He was surprised that anything wasn't restarted...except for the players or also called Sinners being restarted to the beginning of the first level called Grade 0. But he was surprise that people were able to get to Grade 4 quickly. But by count, there are over more than a hundred bosses in 40 Grades. Unlike SAO, a boss in each level. Freedom War had two or three bosses in each. Also are enemy Sinners that are programed to attack Sinners in side missions and sometimes in boss battles.

"Sinners are 400 feet away from your current location." Ayumu turns around to see Hinata, his Accessory or an android that is his partner. He created her just like others Sinners do. All players have a Accessory when they join the game. These androids were at first to watch Sinners at Grade 0 since they were only allowed to be in their cells or missions. They help out when their Sinners are down during a mission and dying, they quickly run to Sinners aid.

Hinata is a pale woman with white hair and blue hair highlights. Where a tight white jump suit like with black stitches designs. Blue lips that made her look like she is cold but she isn't human so she couldn't feel. Her voice wasn't like a human girl voice. It was like the T-X from Terminator 3 movie. Her light blue eyes were on his every move.

"How many numbers? Are they player Sinners?" Ayumu asked.

"Negative, enemy Sinners approaching now at 359 feet in running speed." Hinata answered as Ayumu closed off the menu and asked another question.

"Anything else I need to know about the changes in the game?" Ayumu asked.

"Errors and...multiple errors corrupted the game. Players identities compromised as errors alter Sinners avatar's looks to their reality looks." Hinata informed.

"So everyone looks how they are In the real world?" Ayumu asked and Hinata nodded.

"Positive." Hinata replied. "Enemy Sinners are 340 feet from your location now. Ro-Wolves detected, numbers are five. 3 enemy Sinners detected with spear weapons. Spears at level 0...Ro-Wolves are level 2."

"Great..." Ayumu rolled his eyes under the helmet. He opens his menu again...and releasing his primary weapon and secondary weapon. His secondary weapon is Murasame MK 9 level 2, the sword shaped like a boomerang, the blade was the color black while the handle and the metal top on the blade were dark red. While his primary weapon is the EZ Katze 1, an assault weapon with the similar colors as his other weapon.

"Hinata...please deactivate for now." Ayumu said as his secondary weapon appeared in his hand.

"Understood." Hinata nodded her head and she disappeared in a flash of light.

Okay...let's do this...Ayumu thought as he steady his footing and begins to run towards town and the enemy Sinners.

//Nina POV//

Hayashi...Nina thought as she and her friends were walking through a dark hallway that leads to the boss room.

"...Nina...are you listening?" Nina snapped out of her thought when Ann spoke up.

"A-A...Yes?" Nina spoke up.

"Oh my...thinking of a boy, are we?" Shizuka teased Nina.

"Shut up, Shizuka!" Nina blushed.

"Oh, you were thinking about Hayashi-kun?" Ann asked.

"O-Oi!" Nina face was redder now. But she noticed Beatrice was continues to walk while the others stopped to tease her. Marie wasn't teasing her as well, but it was because she was on the menu doing final upgrades to her weapons and her Accessory. Nina didn't think of having her Accessory in the battle unlike everyone else brought their Accessories. But she went to look back to Beatrice as they continue to walk.

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