Chapter 21 Ayumu/Nina v. Taro

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//Ayumu POV//

"Ha!" Ayumu swung his weapon down upon Taro's head. But Taro was quick to dodge as they continue run through the path where they were running but zigzagging around each other as they fought.

"You're speed is impressive." Taro complemented Ayumu.

"You could say the same about yourself, Taro. You can stop this, please. You know I can't kill you, but it doesn't need to end like this." Ayumu attempts to reason with his elder.

"There is nothing that can be done...I follow what I believe I must follow." Taro said as they swung blades that connected.

"To be killed by someone that has cared for your safety-"

"No, you didn't care. You wanted me stopped from the pain you felt because of your sister." Taro spat as they went out running side by side, swinging their weapons at each other once again.

"...I do...deep down, I do care as I care for Ann and the girls." Ayumu told him. "You won't win from this, Taro. Please stop now..."

"You truly think you can beat me without killing me? If you couldn't save your own sister. It will be close to impossibl-?!" Taro was cut off when Ayumu narrowed his eyes and with a burst of his speed...he stopped running forward and full on bullet blasted straight towards Taro and slashed at his legs before he could block or dodge, cutting into his legs but not

"...It isn't if I don't hold back...when it is a human." Ayumu tone darkens as Taro backs away in pain. "...I'm warning you, Taro...give...up..."

"So you finally decided to play serious, huh?" Taro smirked under the mask.

"I have always play serious, Taro...but you made it a lot worse...mentioning..." Ayumu voice was a darker tone more beyond what he has said. ""

"What was your...sister'" Taro asked and Ayumu growls as he begins to run away and back to the path leading to where the girls were at.

"Come back here!!" Ayumu roared as he ran after him again to continue their battle.

//Nina POV//

"Ann! Hold on...we're here!" Nina shouted as Shizuka finished off the final wolf and Nina looks down the cliff to see Ann was tied by her hands that the rope was tied to a simple knife that was slowly slipping. "Beatrice, help me reach down to her, I have to untie her. Shizuka, keep watch, alright?"

"Got it." Shizuka said as she kept her eyes pled for any danger and Beatrice attached her thorn to Nina's stomach and she begins to lower down.

"Please hurry, this knife won't hold for long and that man might be back." Ann said afraid.

"Scarlet is dealing with him...I have faith in him." Nina told her friend.

"B-But he hurt Scarlet terribly!" Ann said worried.

"But I know he can beat him, I know he can." Nina said as she was slowly lowered to Ann and begins to flip herself slowly upside down and begins to untie the knife from the rope. "Listen carefully, Ann. I'm going to untie the rope from the knife...and I'm going to shoot my thorn at you. Relax and when the thorn attaches itself to your stomach...and you grab it with your hands, got it?"

"Got it." Ann nodded as Nina prepares to cut the rope. Her arms pulling with all her might but gently to prepare herself to untie the rope and launch her thorn at Ann. ''You ready?"

"" Nina asked as she herself wrapped her legs around Beatrice's thorn tighter as Ann nodded yes.


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