Intro/Chapter 1

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15 years after the wedding.
Jr's POV

As you all should know I'm Benjamin Hayes Grier Jr. I go by Jr because I can't go by Hayes because my dad does.

It would be too confusing.

I'm 18 now same as Noah. Obviously we are twins.

Enya is 16 and mom and dad had another set of twins five years ago. Matthew and Mikaela. Matthew is named after our uncle Matt. Mikaela is just Mikaela because they had to start with a 'M' and since Matthew is the oldest he got named first.

They are five almost six in October. They were born on Halloween day.

My parent are old dad is 35 and mom is 33 but I'm not gonna lie, they still look really young. Maybe like 24 and 26.

Mom is a doctor for kids and dad is a police officer. Which means we can't do anything because the whole town knows them so they know us and they will snitch because we live in a town of snitches.

We have a bunch of cousins and its way to many of them to name off but it is twenty four of them.

I personally only hang out with my sisters and brothers, and Uncle Matt's kids and that's all. Everyone else hangs with everyone.

Right now I'm in my room alone because I don't feel like being bothered.

That soon ended when one of the twins started crying.

"Lord, why can't we just have a normal day." I whispered getting out of my bed.

I walked down stairs to the living room and walked over to Matthew.

We also moved houses when I was about eight or nine.

"Why are you crying?" I asked and he pointed at Noah.

"What did you do to him?"

"I took a fry off his plate and ate it." He said leaning back onto the couch.

"Leave his food alone. Did you buy it, no. Mom and dad did so leave him alone. I don't feel like hearing them cry all day today. Where is Enya?"

"I don't know, she went out I think with Gabbie. Mom called and said not to let anyone go out."

"Then why did you let her leave?"

"Because you're in charge remember?"

"How was I supposed to know that if she called you and we are the same age. You could have told her."

"I didn't want to." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

As I was calling her phone to come back dad walked in with her looking at me and only me.

"Didn't your mom say not to go anywhere today?" He asked and she sat on the couch crossing her arms.

"Yes, but she told Noah earlier and he didn't tell me until like three minutes ago."

"I forgot to tell him."

"I don't care who she told you knew not to let her out the door. You have been sitting here all morning Noah. When I left for work you were sitting here so you let her out knowing she wasn't supposed to go."

"I'm sorry dad." He said and dad sighed.

"I have to go back to work. Make sure they eat." He said handing Mikaela to me after holding her for maybe two minutes.

"Dad, can I see you gun?" Noah asked like an idiot.

"No you idiot. Bye dad. I will call if we need anything." I said and he nodded.

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