Chapter 19

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(Hey so I know this chapter was supposed to be Jr and Noah's birthday, but I honestly forgot and I remembered literally after I wrote the chapter so the next chapter will be the birthday and all that lol okay to the chapter now.)


When I woke up most of the boys were on the floor and I looked at the clock.

I slept for like 13 hours.

I pushed Noah away from me because he was way to close and it was hot and Gabbie was on the other side of me.

"Stop pushing me."

"Then move over its hot."

"What time is it?"

"Like eight in the morning."

"Fighting those three off the bed was probably the hardest thing to do last night."

"Why didn't they go to the guest room room or something?"

"They didn't want to leave the room so they took your blankets out your closet and slept on the floor. Alex's or Marcus' phone was buzzing none stop like three hours ago."

"I heard it but I ignored it."

"Shut up. I'm still sleeping." Gabbie said pulling the covers over her head.

Logan started crying, yelling to be exact and I sighed running my hand down my face.

"Logan stop crying." I said sitting up and he crawled out of his bed and stepped on Jr to get on the bed.

He laid next to me and I laid back down.

"Time to get up. Get up. Y'all left my house a mess and everyone is cleaning." Mom yelled walking into the room and everyone sighed.

"Hurry up or I'm embarrassing y'all in front of your company."

Noah and I got up and ran down stairs and Jr followed a few seconds after.

"Why didn't you put the food up after you guys were done. Gabbie and I left before any of you." I said looking at them.

"Sorry, we were going to come back and clean it but we went to sleep."

"This is so trifling. I swear if I see one roach, or any bug Im beating ass." Mom said and I started to sweep the floor.

"Do something don't just stand there." I said looking at Alex and Marcus.

"My dad wants me home." Alex said.

"Matt can wait. If he needs to leave then his parents will come get him and if they aren't coming then he will help. Gabbie go help." Mom said and they walked into the kitchen.

I put my hair up out of my face then started to wipe the table off.

"I need that to wash dishes." Jr said and I looked over at him.

"Use the sponge. You see I'm using it."

Gabbie helped him with the dishes and I went into the living room to help Alex and Noah and Marcus went into the dinning room.

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