Chapter 28

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Two days later.

"Enya wake up." Dad said shaking me and I looked up at him.


"Because you wanted to see James ask Noah so get up."

"Where is he?"

"Down stairs waiting for Noah to come down."

"Go stall him. I need to wash my face and brush my teeth and record it." I said running into my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face then put my hair up in a bun.

"Enya hurry up." Jr yelled and I ran down the stairs after grabbing my phone.

James was standing off to the side fidgeting with his hands.

He was extremely nervous so I walked over to him.

"Calm down okay, he is going to say yes and you will do fine. Your heart is beating out of your chest boy. Breath a little." I said and he nodded calming down a little.
I turned to sit next to Jr and when I turned around he was back to being nervous.

I smiled laughing a little because he is so cute and shaky.

Dad came running down the steps and went over to James to calm him down a little bit more.

He nodded and walked over to his spot again.

"Where are we going dad, its to early in the morning to leave." Noah yelled from up stairs.

"Its two in the after noon Noah."

"Come on Noah. Just come down stairs." I said.

"Fine, I'm wearing my pajamas." He said walking to the last step.

"Why is everyone up like this. Its Just-"

"Noah we need to talk." James said and he turned and looked at him.

"What about?"

"Just need to talk."

"Are you leaving me?"

"No, of course not. So I got a question for you " he said grabbing Noah's hands.

"What is it?"

"So, you know I'm awkward so I'm sorry if I stumble over my words, but you see I bought you this ring and I was wondering if you would marry me?" He asked getting on one knee and Noah covered his face then looked at us.

"Say yes." We yelled and he turned back to James and nodded.

His engagement ring was just a plan silver band but his actual ring was gorgeous in person.

I didn't think he would buy both of them right now but I was wrong.

Anyways back to their special moment.

They were hugging for a while then pulled away to look at him.

"I love you so much." He cried and I awe'd watching them.

No one else awe'd, they just sat there like it wasn't a cute moment.

"Here put it on." James said putting both on his hand.

We all clapped and cheered and he wiped his face looking at us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked looking at Jr.

"Because Dad just told me this morning. I probably would have let it slip."

"That's why I didn't tell you." Dad said and we laughed watching him mock dad.

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