Chapter 6

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Enya's POV

"Mommy wake up." Logan said shaking my arm.

"Go to sleep Logan, its to early." I said and he started tapping my face.

"Mommy, I'm hungry." He said and I sighed.

"Enya get up and go make him something to eat." Dad said and I sat up.

"Come on, we can eat cereal." I said picking him up and taking him down stairs.

I sat him at the table and took out a bowl, cereal, and milk and made him a bowl of cereal then handed him a spoon.

I sat at the table with him and looked at my phone as he ate.

"Hey, who is that, daddy he is in my seat." Matthew yelled scaring Logan.

"Just sit in Jr seat buba, that's Logan."

"Why does everyone have a nick name from you except for Jr and I?" Noah said and he looked up at them.

"I don't know, I never really thought of one for you two."

"How, Matthew is buba, Mikaela is Moo Moo, Enya is boogie, and you gave Logan cubbs or something like that yesterday." He said and dad sighed.

"My name is chubby." Logan said pointing to his chest.

"Do you want a nick name?" He asked and they nodded.

"Okay, you are cuntburger and you are dicksandwich. Happy now?" He said pointing to Noah then Jr.

I started laughing and they rolled their eyes then mom walked into the kitchen.

"Don't talk like that around the twins." She said pushing Noah and Jr out the way.

"So are why is everyone up?" I asked putting Logan on my lap because Matthew wanted to cry over his seat.

"I heard walking out side the room then you all started talking down here so I got up and came down here." Mom said.

"I heard you pouring cereal so I got up hungry." Noah said and I smiled laughing a little.

"I heard Noah get up so I got up." Jr said so I looked at Dad.

"I woke up when you woke up, I got up to check on them and they woke up when I turned on their lights."

"So everyone is up at six in the morning because I had to get up."

"Yup." Everyone said nodding.

"Well sorry." I said and Logan turned to me.

"I'm done." He said and I got up putting him on my side and taking his bowl to the sink.

"Hey, I want that toy." He said and I put him down. He ran over to Matthew's dinosaur toy.

"That's my toy, stop." Matthew yelled snatching the toy.

"Matthew you are eating, let him play with it." I said and Matthew held the toy behind his back.

"Leave him alone, its his toy. He doesn't have to share." Mom said and I sighed looking at dad and he sighed shaking his head.

"Tell your daddy to buy buy him toys, he gets his little princess what ever you want." Jr said and I rolled my eyes.

"I want that toy." He said pointing to a different toy then ran to it.

"No you can't play with my toys." Matthew yelled pushing him.

"Matthew stop, why are you being so mean to him. You weren't even thinking about the toy."

"Yes I was stupid."

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