Chapter 36

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Enya's POV

Last night was probably the best night of my summer, so far.

He wore a condom for those wondering.

I don't want to go through nine months of hell just yet.

Anyways back to me waking up.

Its six, almost seven in the morning and mom just decided to call.


"Hey, are you still asleep?"

"Yeah mom."

"Well I told you and Jr the twins have a doctors appointment today at eight and you need to take them."

"Jr wake up." I said shaking him then sat up with the sheets covering my chest.

"Why, its too early."

"We have to take the twins to their appointment." I said.

He opened his eyes and sat up.

"Morning." He said and I smiled giving him a kiss.

"Is he up?'

"Yeah, I'll text you later mom, love you."

"Love you too sweetie. Bye."


I hung up and put my phone on the table.

I leaned over and grabbed his shirt and put it on.

"I'm going to go wake the twins." He said putting his pants on and I nodded rubbing my eyes.

"Don't wake Logan yet. I want to take a shower by myself." He nodded and walked out the room.

I went to my room and took a nice hot shower then got out and got dressed.

I threw my hair up into a bun then walked out.

"Enya, Jr said we have to go see the doctor." Matthew yelled crying.

"Its going to be okay. You don't have to get any shot or anything. It just a check up."

"But they make me lay down and they touch me. Mommy and daddy said not to let people touch me."

"Its okay,they can't touch your private parts and Jr and I won't let them just like mommy and daddy won't let them."

"You promise?"

"Yes, you can sit on my lap when its your turn okay."

"Daddys let's me sit on his lap."

"See its going to be just the same, now go put your shirt on."

He ran back to his room and I walked down the hall.

"Do you have shorts on under your dress?" I asked Mikaela and she nodded lifting her dress to show me.

"Come on, let's go brush your hair. Where is Jr?"

"He went to go shower."

"Do you want two braids in your hair?" I asked and she nodded.

I braided her hair then turned her to me.

"Why are you and Jr yelling last night?" She asked playing with her braid.

"We were playing a game. I thought you were asleep."

"No I woke up and watched tv with Logan but he went back to sleep."

"Oh, sorry for yelling."

"Its okay, mommy and daddy yell at night too." She said laughing.

"They do?"

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