Chapter 4

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"Boogie, get up. Its time for dinner." Dad said shaking me.

I looked up and smiled because he was using my nick name again.

"Dad, I'm. Uh-"

"Just come eat, tell me later." He said then walked out.

I got out of bed and went down stairs and sat in my spot at the table.

Mom put the plates out and I looked down at the bruises on my legs.

"Um how do I get rid of these?" I asked looking at me legs.

"Its a bruise they go away on their own." Dad said standing at the fridge.

"How long does it take?" I asked.

"Why?" Dad asked and I looked down.

"I don't want them there. They are ugly. All the girls were looking at them in the locker room and while I was practicing."

"Well next time you won't send stupid stuff to boys." He said and I sighed.

"I was just asking a simple question."

"And I gave you a simple answer. Now shut up and eat." He said and Noah kicked my foot under the table so I looked up at him.

"You okay?" He whispered as mom and dad continued to talk.

"Um yeah, my legs are just sore." I said rubbing them.

"Soak in the bath. It helps to relax you." He said and I nodded.

We talked a little bit more and when we were done I got up and washed the dishes then went up stairs.

I ran me some bath water and put bubbles in it then grabbed my book off my desk and put it on the sink.

I undressed myself then grabbed my book and got in the water.

I put my hair up and leaned back opening my book to where I left off.

"Boogie. Can I come in? I want to talk to you." Jr said and I leaned forward and pulled the curtain close.

"Come in." I said and the door opened.

"Hey, about after school today-"

"Its fine, I can't stop you from being with her but I thought you wouldn't go back to her after she was talking about me." I said putting the book down.

"I know, I wasn't thinking about that part. You know we have that on and off thing."

"Yeah and she is always cheating on you." I said closing my eyes to relax a bit more.

"No she isn't Enya. You just can't assume stuff like that is going on."

"Jr she is a slut, you know that, her brother knows and the entire school knows."

"Enya, you can't just say that. You don't like it when the kids at school call you a slut, even though you are one." He said mumbling the last part.

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