Chapter 10

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Enya's POV

When practice ended I walked out side with Mikaela and we sat on the bench waiting.

Daniel never came up to me and I think he left early because he disappeared in the middle of practice and never showed up again.

I didn't honestly care about it because I just didn't. He obviously didn't want to go on the date in the first place.

Once again we were sitting in the dark and I'm guessing mom had to stay longer at work.

"Come on, let's go inside and wait." I said taking her back inside.

I took my phone out and called Noah and Jr but they don't have their phones and they both went to voicemail.

My phone turned back on but its acting up and sometimes I can't do anything at all on it.

I called dad and it rang a few times before he answered.

"Dad, no one is here to pick us up. I thought mom was coming. They are closing soon and we will be sitting in the cold soon."

"Okay, I'm coming. Give me like ten minutes." He said and I sighed.

"Okay." I said and hung up.

"Is daddy coming?" Mikaela asked grabbing my hand.

"He should be." I said sitting down against the wall with her on my lap.

"Can I play on your phone?" She asked and I nodded taking my charger out of my bag.

"Let's go sit over there so I can plug it in." I said and she got up.

We walked over to the outlet.

We sat in there way longer than ten minutes, and I honestly was getting annoyed.

We eventually had to go back outside because the lady at the front desk had to leave.

"I thought daddy was coming." She asked as I put her jacket on her.

"He is but he has to do his work."

I know, we are more important than his job but if I say the wrong thing she might start crying and I just don't have time for that.

"Can you call uncle?"

"Yeah just sit down." I said and she put her head on my lap.

Mom and dad hate when we call our uncles to come get us. I  understand that they don't like getting help from other people but if they aren't going to give Jr or Noah their phone back they need to ask someone or get a house phone or something because I'm not sitting out here another night.

I called uncle Matt but he was at work so I made up a lie and hung up, uncle Nash, Cameron, and Tez didn't answer and I don't call my cousins and I only have Alex's number and his dad is at work.

"Want to ride to bus." I asked and she nodded smiling.

"Let's go." I said grabbing like five dollars out my bag then we walked down the street to the bus stop and waited like twenty minutes for the bus.

I haven't gotten on the bus once in my life so I don't know how much it cost but the driver didn't say anything about the five dollars so we sat down.

She sat by the window and put her head on my lap.

It was us, a older man, two girls, and a teenage boy on the bus so it was pretty quiet.

I texted dad and told him that we were on our way home and not to worry about it.

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