Chapter 3

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Enya's POV

When I woke up, my legs were sore and had welts all over them.

I went into my bathroom and looked at myself. My eyes were puffy and red, my lips were swollen and my hair was all over the place.

I turned on the shower and stepped in sighing as the warm water hit my body.

I relaxed for a little then clean my self and brushed my hair out with the help of the water.

Once I got out, I got dressed then put my hair in a bun.

I brushed my teeth and stuff then went down stairs and everyone was already in the kitchen eating.

It was quiet and no one was talking so I kept it like that as I made my bowl of cereal.

I sat in my spot at the table and started to eat.

"Look, last night you deserve what you got. Jr you didn't get hit as much as they did but don't think we don't know you did something we haven't been able to find out yet and we haven't went through you or Noah's phone yet so hopefully you deleted what you needed to delete because when I get to that and I find something I don't like, the same as last night will happen. You two upstairs." He said to the twins and they left.

They took the twins phones and car keys.

"You, we went through your phone already and not only do you talk to Tristan but you send him pictures as well. I wanted to wake you up out of your sleep and beat your ass again but I didn't, I should have but I didn't." He said and I looked down.

"You do know that you could go to jail for this and so can he. I'm a police officer and after seeing this I want to take you in myself and have you locked up but I'm not going to do that because you are my daughter. You are so fucking stupid." He said as mom put a bottle of water and pills in front if me.

I took them then looked back down at my cereal.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." He said and I looked up.

"Why?" He asked.

"He asked me too and I just did it."

"So if he asked you to kill someone you would just do it because you would still be going to jail."


"Stop saying "I'm sorry" because you guys aren't. Sending a boy naked pictures of you is not okay and the videos of you two are on a whole new level. You let him record you sucking his dick, and him fucking you." He yelled and I looked down.


"Shut up. You did, you were looking right at the camera. Do you want me to play the video?"

"No dad." I said looking down as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your fucking eyes at me because you want to be a stupid teenage sl- I almost called you out your fucking name because of how stupid you're being." He yelled pushing me against the wall and I closed my eyes.

"Look, do you see all of these pictures you have sent to him and all of the videos of you playing with yourself. I did not want to see that when I went through your phone. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing dad."

"There has to be something wrong with you because if it was nothing I wouldn't be yelling at you right now about this stupid phone." He yelled throwing it across the room.

"I'm sorry."

"No your not Enya. You sent him all of this and you weren't sorry about it before but you are now because you got caught. You're so fucking stupid, you do know that right? You don't know how many eyes have seen you like that and I didn't want to be one of them."

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