Epilogue Pt. 1

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A/N: so the epilogue is going to be cut into two parts because I typed more than what I thought I would and when you type too many words Wattpad likes to act up and start to delete stuff and honestly I don't have time so yeah its just going to be two parts, part two will be up next Saturday... okay bye....


One year Later
Enya's POV

Its been one full year and I had baby Hayden back in April on the 18th.

Hayden Joseph Grier to be exact.

He is only six months old but he is my everything, along with Logan who is four now.

Time really does fly.

Mom had baby Noelle in December on Christmas day.

First the twins on Halloween, who are six now, and now Ryann on Christmas.

Noelle Grace Grier is her full name.

She is the cutest little thing but she keeps everyone up at night and Hayden keeps everyone up during the day.

Its a rough life without sleep.

Jr came back for winter and spring break and we were inseparable the entire time.

He comes home today for a few days just because he has some down time.

He was mad when he came back because his room was a nursery for both babies.

Mom and I did so much work in that room and they don't really sleep in there because they cry and wake each other up so much.

I usually sleep with him because I really hate getting up to walk down the hall.

Anyways, I'm changing a diaper, which took a really long time to master.

Six months has gone by and I just mastered it like three days ago. I know, I'm a horrible mom.

I'm joking, don't agree with that.

"Mommy, I want to watch movie with the big snake." Logan yelled jumping on his bed.

He is talking about the jungle book.

"Okay, give me like two minutes."

He nodded and jumped off the bed and ran over to the toys.

I ran down stairs and threw away the dirty diaper and washed my hands.

I ran back up stairs and turned on the movie for him.

I made Hayden a bottle of milk then when he was done I rocked him to sleep.

I had to do my school work. Being a senior that is homeschooled sounds easy but its so fucking hard.

I only get to work when he is asleep but, I'm so tired from watching him and chasing Logan around, I never get anything done.

I sat down in front of my computer and opened my essay and continued to type until I fell asleep with my head on the desk.

Maybe an hour at the most went by before I woke up from Logan screaming.

"Mommy, daddy home." He yelled with his hands on the glass of the balcony door.

I opened the door and he ran over to the polls yelling hi to Jr.

He woke Hayden up and he was crying again.

"Im sorry." He said walking over to the bed.

I picked him up and started to rock him and Logan sat next to me and watched.

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