Chapter 34

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Next day.

"Mommy wake up." Logan yelled.

I opened my eyes but he wasn't in my face so I got up and checked the bathroom and he was sitting on the toilet.

"Did you use the bathroom?"

He nodded and I grabbed some tissue.

Let's be honest right now, we all know three year olds can't wipe their butts right and I'm not dealing with dirty underwear right now or ever.

I finally got him potty trained after having him for so long, maybe a month and a half or even two months.

Anyways I wiped his butt then we washed our hands.

"Daddy wake up too." He said running to the bed.

He woke up Jr then sat down on the bed next to him and just started to talk up a storm about random cartoons.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Come, I will make breakfast." I said picking up Logan.

We went down stairs and dad was sitting at the table.

"Morning." I said and Logan waved at him.

"Hey, you got a job?"

"Yeah, I tried to tell you but I guess you still were hung Over and your head was hurting. You didn't want anyone talking to you."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I don't even remember what happened that night." He said then looked at Jr.

"I heard you punched a brick wall."

"You heard correct." He said holding his hands up.

"You know, if you a would have shattered your knuckles you could have ruined that football career you want. You could have paralyzed both your arms."

"I know, mom told me already. I told you he was going to lecture me too." He said looking at me.

I smiled laughing and took out stuff to make breakfast.

I made omelets for all four of us because Dad wanted one.

"Mommy, I want milk."

"Okay eat your food."

"Can you cut mine up?" Jr asked after struggling to cut it up.

I cut it up and he grabbed his fork from me.

I put ketchup on mine and ate in silence.

"I give up." Jr said dropping his fork.

"When does mom get off of work?" Jr asked.

"Um at like nine tonight, maybe later than that."

"I need her to rewrap my hands." He said frowning and I laughed looking at him.

"I can do it." I said and he shook his head.

"You don't even like blood." He said and I sighed.

"I know but still, if you need help I can help you."

"Okay but if you mess up you can't do it anymore."

I nodded and looked at Logan drinking his milk.

I ate the rest of my food then picked up Logan once he was done and sat him on the couch to watch tv.

"Come on Jr." I said watching him eat the last of his food.

I followed him into the bathroom and unwrapped his right hand.

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