Chapter 31

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"Enya, wake up." Dad yelled knocking on my door.

I sighed rolling over to get up then walked over to the door and opened it.

"Good morn- damn you woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He said and I rolled my eyes at him.

He laughed and I went back to my bed and laid down.

Boo started making noise, really annoying noise that he has been making all night.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I have been up all night. Logan kept waking up crying. He is sick and the dog keeps making that stupid noise. I just want to go to sleep."

"Oh, you are cranky."

"Dad stop." I whined.

"I didn't do anything."

"Go talk to the wall or someone else."

"I can't they all went out for breakfast."

"Then go back to sleep."

"Nope." He said laying next to me.

"You used to keep me up all night and when you finally went to sleep it was like five in the morning then you would wake back up with so much energy and you would wake up like two hours later. Then force me to get up with you."

"I'm not you. I should be able to sleep."

"No, You are a mother now."

"He is yours too."

"No, I only signed it because you aren't 18. He is yours. If you knew you didn't want to be up all night you should have just left him at the adoption place."

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry. I'm just really sleepy."

"Okay, I will leave you alone."

"Thank you." I said and he kissed my cheek before walking out.

I turned over and put my covers over my body and went back to sleep.

Hayes' POV

Later on, maybe a few hours after I left her alone she woke up way happier than she was before but I had to go to work so she was going to be alone until Mom got back with the other kids.

"Dad I got you a birthday gift." She said walking into the room with Logan.

"Where is it?" I asked buttoning my shirt up.

"At the store. You are going to love it when I actually get it."

"Are you sure. Its hard to impress me."

"Yes, I'm sure. You love all my gifts."

"You are pretty good at giving gifts I guess."

"I know, where are you going?"

"To work."

"Can we go?"

"There is nothing to do there Logan will get cranky and start crying."

"Please, I will keep him quiet and entertained. He can bring his toys and watch mickey mouse. Please." She asked.

"Fine, go get dressed." I said and she ran down to her room.

I finished getting ready then walked down to her room and she was putting Logan's pants on him.

"Y'all ready?"

She nodded grabbing his shoes and we went out to the car.

"I don't have car seats and if he is sick enough to throw up you are cleaning it up."

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